Chapter 6

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The second day that miss Vivian and her husband were away I decided to get up a little earlier than usual to perform my daily tasks. It was way earlier than I was supposed to- I was basically allowed to sleep in and all, but I had better ways of spending my free hours now.

That way being spending time with Vic.

I had gotten him clean sheets and washed a bunch of his dirty clothes that had been stocked up in his bathroom and decided to bring them over, together with one of my favorite books and a small breakfast that I had put together for him.

As I entered his room, I was met with the boy himself, in nothing but a mere towel wrapped around his waist. Small droplets of water still dripping from his messy, knotted curls.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." I exclaimed, blushing immediately as I turned away from him. With the visual still in my head, I noticed just how skinny he really was. He was mere skin on top of bones, but I had to admit, he still looked awfully attractive, which was exactly why I was blushing. I knew that much.

A small chuckle elicited from Vic's throat. "It's alright." He said.

I heard the drawer of his dresser opening and closing only seconds after. "I um, brought you some things. Thought you'd maybe like some clean bed sheets and stuff." I told him in a small voice, still facing away from him.

"Thanks?" It definitely sounded more like a question. "You can honestly turn around now."

I hesitated for a moment, but then did it anyway. He had already changed into a set of grey boxers and a plain white t-shirt. He made his way back to his bed, crawling on top of it and sitting himself down in a cross-legged position.

"What's that?" Vic then asked me, pointing at the serving tray in my hands.

I walked over to the bed and placed the tray down before him, as well as the clean sheets at the end of the bed. "Breakfast." I simply stated. "Thought you'd maybe like a change of taste."

He frowned as he looked down at the concoction I'd made. It wasn't anything special, just some buttered toast, two poached eggs and a few pieces of fried bacon. Then I'd added a simple glass of milk on the side.

But compared to water and granola bars, this totally looked like a meal out of heaven. To me it did, anyway.

I put Vic's clean clothes into his drawers and then turned back to him. He was still frowning at the food, eyeing it curiously. "I'm not hungry." He then muttered sourly.

"Yes you are." I simply retorted with an encouraging smile.

"I'm not." He mumbled, in the same, sad tone.

I sighed softly, putting my hands on my hips. "Come on, Vic. You need to eat. Do you even know what could happen to your organs if you don't eat? You could die, you know." I then simply pointed out.

He huffed dismissively. "If only." He sighed below his breath.

I immediately walked over to him and placed my hand on top of his. "Please don't talk like that." I said, giving him a pleading look.

He looked up at me for a moment, confusion clear in his eyes. "Why do you care so much?" He questioned.

I didn't really have an answer to that. I just did. Vic had somehow managed to make an impact on me, and I just wanted him to be okay. I wanted him to be healthy. I wanted him to smile and laugh. It had somehow become so important to me in such a short amount of time.

"What's with the book?" Vic eventually asked.

I shrugged and picked it up, randomly scanning through the pages. "Well I noticed that you don't really have anything in here to keep you entertained. So, I brought you a book to read. I know it's probably boring as hell, but it's one of my favorites." I then shut the book again and held it out towards him.

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