Chapter 10

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trying to do lots of updates for you lovely people, because I'll be gone for the weekend because my mom wants to celebrate my birthday, which is monday. I probably won't be able to update so that's why I'm doing it now instead of making homework hah oops

oh and next chapter will probably be Vic's POV so ya'll can get into his head a little... enjoy!



I felt both amazing and incredibly stupid at the same time for kissing Vic back a few days ago. Amazing because I liked it, and found myself wanting more of it. And stupid because for one it was way too soon to be having feelings for him, and I was working for his mother for crying out loud!

I couldn't let him down, though. He was too fragile for that. Hell, honestly I didn't want to, but if his mother found out, she'd surely fire me and then we'd probably never see each other again.

My sister was lucky that her boss accepted that she was dating their son now. But her and Tony were a completely different case compared to Vic and me. Vic seemed a bit off for the past few days though. It was becoming harder and harder to make him smile, which worried me deeply.

I wondered if maybe I should take my chances and talk to miss Vivian about Vic, for his sake? Ugh no, I couldn't do that. It wasn't my place.

God, this was so difficult.

"Jaime?" I asked as I walked out to the garden.

The spikey haired boy looked up and smiled at me. "Hey, still here I see." He said with a playful smirk.

I chuckled and shrugged. "Obviously. Hey can I talk to you about something?"

He then nodded and shoved his shovel deeper into the ground so it would stay upright as he leaned on it. "Sure, I've got some time."

I might not have been able to talk to miss Vivian about it, but at least I could talk to Jaime... right? "You know about Vic, right? That he's still here?" I asked him.

Jaime arched a single eyebrow, then glanced up at the house behind us. "Yeah, I never quite believed that they sent him off to some European college. That's what they tell everyone else, though."

I sighed, not surprised that they made up something stupid like that so no one would really ask about him. "Why? Have you seen him?" Jaime then asked, looking back at me.

I simply nodded. "Quite frequently and he needs help. Like, serious professional help, before he actually succeeds in killing himself." I urged softly, making sure no one else could hear our conversation.

Jaime seemed to know exactly what I meant, though. "Why do you care so much? You're just the maid." He murmured, giving me a narrow-eyed suspicious look.

I shrugged. He didn't really need to know how strongly I already felt for Vic. I knew that I did, I wasn't going to deny it. But not everyone needed to know. Not right now anyways.

"Oh, I see what this is. You have feelings for him."

My eyes shot wide open as I stared at Jaime. Fuck, was it that obvious?

"And... you don't really want to talk about it."

Well then, was this guy a psychic or what?

"Please, just be careful with him." Jaime eventually spoke again after a moment of silence. "Vic is like a really fragile piece of china. Drop him on something soft, he will get damaged but he won't break. Drop him on something hard, and he'll break into so many little pieces... well, you won't be able to fix him."

Product of Disasterology (Vic Fuentes) ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें