Chapter 13

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sorry it's been so long!!! stress is kellin me... kel-lin me... okay that's not even funny. sorry. carry on...



"S-so what do we do now?" Vic then asked me in a small voice. "I mean- I didn't exactly plan anything ahead. I just thought I'd be- you know."

I smiled gently at him, not really blaming his thought process. If your plan was to be dead at this point, of course you wouldn't have made any plans.

"Well we're just gonna go back home, and we'll see what happens from there. You should really consider talking to your parents though." I pointed out.

He sighed, staring down at the ground as we walked side-by-side off the path of the bridge and back to the street. "I guess." He mumbled, deflating a little.

I wished he understood how important it was to get them to realize what was going on, though. His parents needed to accept their son for the way he was. They needed to realize that everything he told them that happened with his guidance counselor was true. I mean, who in their right mind would make something up like that?

We silently walked on down the road, while I kept a look out for my shoes that I had thrown somewhere around here. Instead of finding them, however, I found something else. Something better.

I grabbed Vic's hand and started dragging him across the street with a wide and satisfied grin on my face. "Ho-hold on, where are we going?" Vic asked, sounding completely confused.

I smiled back at him and nodded my head to the familiar makeshift waffle house kind of place just across the street. "Wasn't that on your fucket list? I mean, it's not iHOP but it's pretty great."

Vic chuckled awkwardly. "I guess, but-"

"But what?"

"Well, we're not exactly dressed appropriately. Or at least, I'm not." He explained as he looked down at himself. "And don't you need to go to a hospital or something?" He then suggested as he pointed at my knees.

I snorted lightly. "As long as I'm capable of walking, then no. Now let's go get some delicious waffles."

Finally, Vic smiled as I started tugging on his hand some more. He gave in and walked with me into the small waffle shop, which was actually kind of crowded. All eyes were on us when we entered, making the little bell that hung from the door ring.

I could feel Vic's hand shaking lightly in my grip, but I just ignored the weird looks and pulled Vic into one of the empty boots in the back. "A-are you sure this is okay?" He then asked me nervously.

"Relax, Vic. Everything will be fine." I assured him. "Now, order anything you like, one of my cousins works here so he'll have us covered."

And just as I said that, a waitress came by. "May I take your order?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled up at her. "Is Emilio working today?" I then asked.

"Yeah, he's in the kitchen, as per usual."

"Great, could you tell him that Kelli is here? And I'd like my usual, please. He will know what I mean."

The waitress nodded and turned to Vic. "And for you?" She then asked.

"I um-" Vic began, looking around him a little nervously. "I'll just have whatever she's having."

"Alright, two of the usual, coming right up." The waitress confirmed in a cheery tone before marching off into the kitchen.

I carefully reached across the table and grabbed Vic's hand, finally making him stop looking around him as he then focused on me, with a bit of a bewildered and anxious look on his face. Actually, he kind of looked like a scared puppy that finally saw the outside world for the first time in his life, which was odd.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He nodded and forced a smile, which then faded away in a matter of seconds. "Yeah, I think so. I'm just- I'm really sorry, for everything. I mean- I totally forced my problems onto you, and that's not right. That was horrible."

I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand and smiled. "No, you didn't do that. I could've just left you to it, but like I said, I love you. However weird and fast it is, I do. You're really important to me. It wasn't just an excuse to get you to not jump, you know." I told him honestly.

This time a true smile slowly appeared on his face. His eyes started getting a little glassy, but he quickly blinked the upcoming tears away when our orders arrived.

"Well then, look at what the cat dragged in." My cousin Emilio piped up as he put our plates and drinks in front of us. "Don't you live in this super fancy mansion now that has like a supermarket for a storage room where you can eat literally anything? What the hell are you doing here?" He asked with an amused chuckle.

"Nothing quite beats your waffles." I simply replied.

"Right, well, enjoy your free meal." He then said, smiling at both Vic and me before patting my head and walking off again.

Vic looked down at the plate before him with wide eyes. "I uh- I'm not sure if I can eat all of this." He admitted in a small voice. "If I even knew what it was."

I chuckled a little. "It's okay, just eat whatever you can. They're just plain waffles, there's vanilla ice cream on top, some hot chocolate sauce and blueberries. Trust me, it's good."

And before long, Vic was quite eagerly digging into the food. Well, eagerly for his doing anyways. He managed to eat nearly half of it, which was actually quite an accomplishment.

After we were both done eating, I said bye to my cousin Emilio, who thankfully didn't ask any questions regarding Vic or the way we looked at the time, and continued our walk to the house.

We walked there hand-in-hand, and though I could tell that Vic wasn't looking forward to arriving back home again, in the end, we still had to.

He sighed deeply as we entered the front door. I could immediately tell that no one else was home, so that was sort of a relief. Suddenly then, Vic pulled me towards the kitchen. I just silently followed him there and watched him as he started looking for something.

Eventually he had a white cloth in his hands, held it under the warm tap water, and came over to me. "Sit down." He ordered calmly, while pointing at the stool beside the kitchen island.

I gave Vic a questioning look. "Come on, you've taken care of me all this time, let me return it for once." He urged, giving me a serious look in return.

I smiled a little and rolled my eyes, sitting down on the stool as he got on his knees in front of me. He carefully began dabbing the cloth around on my wounds, trying to clean it and get rid of the nasty dried up blood. I winched a little as the cloth scraped over the damaged skin.

"Sorry, this is all my fault." Vic immediately said.

I just smiled down at him. "Stop apologizing so much, you doofus. It's fine and not your fault at all. It's the fault of those stupid heels I'm supposed to wear." Which I still didn't get back. Oops.

Vic finished cleaning up my knees and fired the now blooded cloth into the sink. "Are you okay?" He then asked, turning back to me.

"I'm fine as long as you're okay."

He smiled and leaned a little closer, softly pressing his lips to mine, giving me a warm bubbly feeling inside. God, and to think I almost could never kiss him again.

"What is this?!" A voice then shrieked out of nowhere.

Vic instantly pulled away and we both turned to wherever the voice came from at lightning speed.

It was Miss Vivian. Of course. Oh shit.

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