Water gun fight (zoro x reader)

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It was a scorching day. The whole crew decided to have a water gun fight. We grabbed a bunch of guns and filled em up with ocean water. Everyone had on their swimsuits and formed a circle. Nami stepped up to tell the rules.
"Okay, the rules are simple. Basically hide and seek but instead of losing when you're found, you lose when you get soaked. The game starts in 20 minutes. So go find a good hiding place and get going!"
Everyone turned and went off to hide.

1st pov
I walk off in my swimsuit ready for attack. I have my water gun loaded, listening for footsteps. I hear the rattle of bones. Brook. I pump my gun and attack instantly. He let out a girlish scream as I hit my target and pumped my fist in the air.
"You're out Brook-san!"
Without even giving him another glance I run towards the front of the ship down to the bedroom hall. As I creep around a corner I hear someone and move sideways one step to quick
My top shreds in pieces... I'm now topless. My face grows red in embarrassment as I quickly cover myself. I find a shirt hanging and grab it to throw on myself as quick as I can and continue the game. I go back to sneaking and hear choppers squeaky footsteps. I load my gun and BAM shoot him right on the ear.
"Aww no fairrr (f/n)!!"
"Haha sorry but you're out chopper."
I walk off and hear clanking of metal. Franky. Just like the last two, I pump and shot franky, turning his hair into a wet flop.
"Awh man (f/n) not my hair!"
He holds it up off his face and glares at me.
"I need some cola."
I go back to the end of my ship and fill my gun back up when suddenly I hear usopp.
I do a somersault to the side and squirt him down drenched.
"Sneak attacks are supposed to be quiet usopp."
"I just figured that out. I mean, I didn't want you to die from heart attack so I called out cause that's what the great god usopp does!"
"Yeah yeah."
I walk away back into the ship. It's quiet besides the waves splashing against the sunny. Suddenly I feel a presence..I turn and instantly get drenched by Zoro. Out of habit I shot too, and got him right in the chest.
"I was close to winning this time too!"
Zoro's face instantly goes red and averts his eyes.
"What's wrong with you?"
I look down and see the shirt was see through...you could see my boobs...every part of them. I yelp and cover myself frantically.
"I-I'm sorry m-my top ripped and this was the nearest thing."
"It's uh...my shirt..."
He rubbed the back of his head still avoiding eye contact.
"O-oh..do you want it back?"
I just made this situation worse...
"N-not right now! Y-you-you're-"
"That's not what I meant!"
I feel cold instantly and start to shiver. He pulls me in by one arm, still avoiding eye contact while his face grows more red.
"A-are you cold?"
"I just don't want you catching a cold alright!"
He's such a grump but deep down he's a softie.
Everyone starts walking towards us...great.
"Hey guys did you both shoot eachother at the same time?"
They stopped in their tracks. Zoro got more red and didn't look at anybody.
"Marimo! What are you doing to my dear (f/n)-swan!?"
Sanji grabs my wrist to pull me away but zoro back hands it away.
"Don't touch her pervert. Her shirt is see through and her top got ripped."
Sanji and Brooks noses started to bleed and everyone else stared in awe.
"Didn't know you were a softie swordsman."
Robin chuckled to herself and Zoro gritted his teeth.
"I just didn't want to see it okay!? And I especially don't want you perverts to peep."
Zoro walks me to his room still in an embrace and everyone stares and their gazes follow us till we disappear into the room.
"Well that looked bad. I'm sorry."
He pulls me away and turns his back towards me, shuffling around looking for something.
"You kinda made it look worse dragging me to your room."
He stops for a moment, probably realizing I was right and continued to search moments after.
"Here this is a dry shirt."
He hands me another one of his shirts. It smells just like him. I pull his drippy wet shirt over my head and plopped it on the floor.
"O-oi! What're you doing!? I'm still here!"
"But you've already seen them so I didn't think it mattered."
He stares unintentionally at my chest. His face seemed like he wanted to look away but he couldn't.
"Take a picture it'll last longer."
He grunts as his eyes widen at my comment and averts his eyes as quickly as possible.
I laugh at him and pick up the wet shirt again, still shirtless (mostly because of zoro's new found weakness). I squeezed water out of the shirt into the bucket and wiped some water or sweat off my forehead.
"Oi! Put the shirt on already!!!"
"If you're shirtless why can't I be?"
He gulps and looks away. I go back to squeezing the water out the shirt an flopping it slightly. In the corner of my eye I still notice him staring.
"If it really makes you uncomfortable then I'll put it on..I'm sorry."
I feel kinda bad now, seeing how uncomfortable he is. As I put the shirt on over my head I'm about to cover my breasts when Zoro grabs my wrist and pushes me onto his bed.
"Shh not so loud! I can't hold back. I just can't"
He kisses my neck intensely. I kept gasping over and over in surprise, shock, and pleasure.
I never left his room that night.

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