Replacement (Sabo x Reader x Ace)

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"Standing by your grave really is heartbreaking... I never thought I'd see the day...Ace..."
Looking down upon it... I could feel my heart breaking like glass.
"It's been a year now...your brothers are both doing great things, and missing you terribly, As am I."
I felt Sabo's presence behind me. He's been watching me for as long as I've been here. Ace was someone I deeply loved and even though we weren't married, we had a lot of memories on the white beard pirate ship. He was someone I looked up to as a hero, an inspiring pirate that brought me to where I am today. I was in love with him, and still am.
"I think this is the first time I've seen you not break down in front of his grave. You've gotten stronger."
Sabo grasps my shoulder and I feel his sad gentle smile grow on his face.
"I still miss him just as much. He shouldn't be gone."
"He isn't truly gone you know."
He pulls me to face him, wiping the tear off my cheek.
"I know..."
It wasn't the same though. I couldn't see his smile anymore or hug him. I couldn't tell him how badly I missed him. Sabo pulled me into a hug and surprisingly I didn't break down like I thought I would. After a while we left his grave and went to an Inn. Sabo was his usual self, trying to make me happy but nothing really changes. He's as polite as Ace is. His voice is as gentle too.
"Are you hungry (f/n)?"
"Not really. I just want a bath and a bed if that's okay."
"If you say so."
*20 minutes later*
It was silent. The water felt warm and steamy against my cold skin. Sabo was eating a quick meal I got from the Inn lady and probably feeling as sad as I am. Ever since Ace died I stuck by his side. I treat him as if he's my own brother. He reminds me so much of Ace...
I try getting up off the bath and I end up slipping. The noise of me hitting the ground and my scream of pain alerted Sabo and I hear him get up quickly.
"(F/n)! Are you alright?!"
"Yeah I think so... I fell...ow..wait I think I broke my arm...ah, my ankle hurts too.."
"I'm coming in to help you."
"Wait no!"
"What? What?"
"I'm uh...still naked.."
He was silent and knowing Sabo as well as I do he was blushing madly.
"Can you move at all?"
"'re gonna have to come in here.."
There was a pause. I could tell he was just as uncomfortable as I was. I heard the bathroom door slide open and I look up at the Blushing revolutionary. He pulled off his coat and put it around me. He lifted me off the ground bridal style and walked me to the bed.
"You're too reckless."
"It's not like I wanted to fall..."
He sets me down in a gentle manner and pulls out a first aid kit.
"Well you definitely broke your arm. You got a sprained ankle too. Ah geez (f/n), how are we gonna leave in the morning?"
"I'm sorry I'm of no use..."
"That's not what I mean."
"I've been such a mess lately...I'm sorry."
He looks down at me with a comforting smile. He strokes my head and kisses it gently.
"You're gonna be okay. I promise."
There was a moment, our faces were close, lips inches away. I knew Sabo wanted to hold back but he just simply couldn't resist. Our lips met and in that moment I lost everything. I pulled away and stood up rapidly. I was so angry, so opposed to the idea. I swatted him across the face, and letting out all that rage I started to cry.
"How dare you. How could you do that to me!? To....Ace?!"
"I know you still love him but you have to let go! I've wanted to be with you for so long and it hurts seeing you this way!"
"So what? You decided to make a move a year after your brother dies? Have some respect. At least care for the way I feel."
"I'm in love with you and that won't change!"
"You may have Ace's fruit, but you don't have his heart."
I grabbed some clothes and left before he could even stop me. I threw them on as I left the Inn, and the town. I went right back to Ace's grave. Standing there looking down at it... I felt I betrayed him some I love Sabo? Was that kiss meant to happen? How would Ace feel about it? After so long I broke down once more. My arms wrapped around his grave so tightly, I never wanted to let go.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."
I wish I could see him one more time. Just to talk to him. To feel his warmth.
"I'm in love with Sabo...but I love you too..."
I wish he could say something...anything.
It's okay.
Let go.
I forgive you.
I want you to move on, and be happy.
It sounds just like him...
"You'll always be in my heart, Portgas D. Ace."
I heard rushing footsteps. I quickly turn to see Ace's brother, Sabo. His hands rested on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.
"Don' that."
I slowly stand up, still staring at him.
"I know...what I did was wrong...but that doesn't mean to run off!"
He stands up straight, his eyes narrowed and for the first time he looks angry.
"I promised Ace to look after you. You may not see me the way I see you, but we have to stick together!"
His fists clench and his voice rises slightly.
"I may not be as strong as Ace, heck, maybe not even good enough as Ace was, but Ace isn't around anymore. I'm gonna protect you and I will get stronger. I know you think I'm weak. I know you think I'm a nuisance."
"Sabo... I don't think that."
"I know you do! So say it! Just tell me that you don't like me! Say you wish I was gone! I know thats what you're thinking! So say it! SAY IT RIGHT NOW!"
I hold my breath and go. I walk right over to him. Without hesitation I grab his soft face and pull him to my lips. I kiss him. Deeply and passionately. Meaningfully.
And that's how I fell in love, once more.

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