Finally (Luffy x Boa)

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The war was over. Marines and pirates both had a number of people die, but they died with courage. It was finally over and Boa felt a sigh of relief escape her lungs. She had to look for the love of her life. To celebrate the ending of the war with him. She chased down stairs to the town square, eager to see straw hat standing there victorious. She was truly going to proclaim her love and tell him, No, show him that she does. At the turn of an alleyway she saw his figure stand against the rays of the sun, and the dust in the air. Her heart leapt her whole body forward, going into a full run.
He turned at the sudden call for his name.
Before they even locked eyes for a moment, she pulled him in for a kiss. She felt every molecule in her body flutter and her stress melted away. Straw hat stood there in udder shock at the quick action. He held her so gently, like she was frail. She pulled her lips away and hugged him tighter.
"Boa? Why did you kiss me?"
"I love you Luffy-Senpai! I give my life to you!"
He stood there, silent. He was at a loss for words. Did he feel he was ready or even capable of love? Especially from the most well known beautiful woman in the world? The Snake Princess and Pirate Empress of the Grand line and all of the world?
Her eyes stared longingly into his, waiting for his answer. A cold sweat dripped down his head at the sign of nervous impatience.
"Boa, my dream is to become King of the pirates, and to do that I must leave and go all the way to Raftel, I can't leave my shipmates and that dream behind."
He still held her but his grip tightened.
"I shall wait for you Luffy-Senpai. My love will not stop for you, even if I wait for the rest of my life."
"I can't make you do that Boa, I can't make you wait for something that might not happen, and you're a warlord so you can't leave your post to go with me."
It's like he knew what she was already going to say.
"-But I love you Luffy and nothing can change that!"
He saw her stubbornness and still clutched her close.
"Once I become King, I'll come back for you Boa, and you'll be my Queen."
Her eyes shimmered like glitter and her smile was big and pure. She squealed and hugged him tighter. She couldn't contain her happiness, being with the one she loved was a dream. So when Luffy left she felt pride watching him sail off, knowing one day that would be her King and she'd wait the rest of her life for him if she had to.

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