89: Awake

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Cover painting by Angela Taratuta. Chapter artwork of Luis by Laura Hollingsworth. All graphics by me.

Luis started in his bunk, jerking his head at the soft touch on his shoulder. He rolled over and surveyed the silent figure looking up at him.

He'd never even heard Storm get out of his bunk and walk over. All he could hear is the faint crackling of the embers in the fireplace, Wash's steady snoring, and Tommy's soft, even breathing. He could see him outlined in the amber firelight, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he gestured wordlessly towards the door.

Here it comes. Luis thought, cringing. He eased his legs to the floor, careful not to make any noise when he landed. Pulling his coat down from the corner peg on the bunk, he shrugged into it before following Storm out the door. I almost got him killed. I owe him everything an' he almost died because of me. I wouldn't blame him for anything he did to me now.

He closed the door behind himself as Storm eased himself onto the porch rail, slouching his back against the upright and pulling his blanket tighter around his shoulders.

"Since you aren't sleeping any better than I am, I figured we could both use some air," Storm said, his breath curling like smoke in the cold darkness.

" ¡Lo siento!" Luis blurted before he even meant to speak. "I...I'm sorry! I almost got you killed, Storm, and..."

"Luis." Storm held up a gentle hand. "Little Brother...It's alright. I understand why you did it."

Somehow, this was worse than the anger or even the beating Luis expected. It unsettled him, made him feel off-balance. He ain't never hit me, but everyone's got a snapping point. I just ain't found his yet. The thought made fresh pain twist inside him. I don' wanna find it. "So....you know I did it, then?" He said warily. "Who told you?"

Storm nodded tiredly. "Nobody told me. It was pretty obvious, once I started thinking about it."

"Storm." Bitterness was clawing it's way up Luis' throat and his face had started to burn and feel tight. Things are never going to be the same. There ain' no way he doesn't hate me now. "I never meant..."

"I know."

"I was gonna tell them! They took me away before I could." Humiliating tears began filling his eyes and he slapped them away. Storm's the closest thing I'll ever have to a brother or a father...I was just so angry...and so damn scared...."It should have been me! I would have never...I didn't want..."

"Little Brother." Storm's face was calm, and far too kind. He shook his head. "I didn't want you to tell them. It would have been a disaster. You think I wanted them to go after you?"

Luis' mouth dropped open and he threw up his hands helplessly. "How can you say that after...?"

Storm cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. "Some people around here give a damn what happens to you, Luis." He shifted on the rail and adjusted his blanket. "Nobody wanted you in trouble, either. It worked out. Be thankful."

Luis felt the sting of salt in the tears streaking down his face. Thank Jesu it's dark out here. His eyes felt heavy in their sockets and he knew they were red and swollen. He wiped his nose on his sleeve. All this time he just knew he was going to come back and Storm was going to be dead. He'd had second thoughts about what he'd done all the way to Salt Lake House and back. It had even occurred to him that his little prank might actually kill someone, and Storm might get blamed for it, and the fear had been gnawing away at him long before he'd even returned from his run to find Storm had been arrested. So being sent to hide out with Mr. Deveraux before he could have a chance to set things right had been unbearable. The stress and guilt had crushed him. If I came back and he was dead...I would have to go away. Storm would be gone and they'd know it was me and I would be...I would go back to being the useless cabrón thief I was before. I'd be alone again...

"That was a crazy stunt you pulled, Little Brother." To Luis' surprise, a faint smile tugged the corner of Storm's mouth. He shook his head, kindly pretending that he didn't notice Luis' emotional state. "Just...don't do anything like that ever again. All right?"

"I swear." Luis meant it. "You ain' got to tell me. So..." He scrubbed his face with the back of his sleeve, grateful for the change of subject. "Miss Fiona...I ain' got the whole story...but she fixed it. Didn't she."

The expression on Storm's face shifted slightly. He nodded. "Yeah."

"Some people give a damn what happens to you, too."

"The thought of her..." Storm's voice trailed off and he shook his head. "She made a deal with...him."

"So I guess we all do crazy things when we got to, eh?" Luis said soberly. "That ought to tell you something 'bout how she feels about you, eh, ñaño?"

Storm flinched visibly. "Don't even joke," he whispered, frowning.

"I don' joke about Miss Fiona." Luis said. "An' you better make your move before I'm ready to make mine."

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