86: In For A Penny

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Cover painting by Angela Taratuta. Chapter artwork of Bender by Melissa Zayas. All graphics by me.

"Glad you and Luis are back, Mr. Bender."

Bender jerked his head around at the sound of Lily's voice, the curry comb poised over War Bonnet's pale, sweating back. The horse's white coat was combed into neat, damp furrows and he whickered softly at the woman's approach, the sound echoing beneath the tin roof of the barn. .

"Ah, she's all apples now, she is," he grinned. "Miss Lil's here." He turned around, placing the brush on the rail around the stall, and facing her. Ah perfect. I can't think of anything I'd rather see right now than this clever little sheila. "How've things been here, love?"

She was standing just inside the shade in the open doorway of the barn, the afternoon sun shafting past her and turning the flyaway strands of her hair into a honey colored halo. Amber light glinted off her silver spectacles, and flour dusted the front of her calico blouse. The disarray of her appearance made his heart leap. 'A sweet disorder in the dress kindles in clothes a wantonness...' he sighed to himself, drinking in the sight of her. 'Struth, I love women who just...are.

"Better now that you're both back," she was saying. "I just gave him something to eat. I half expected him to come back here ready to fight someone, but he's actually in a good mood. Gave me a big hug." She smiled at him, pushing her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose. "How about you? I reckon you're hungry."

He nodded, scrubbing his hands on his thighs. "Just finished up in here." He gestured towards the two empty stalls that usually housed Comanche, one of the company ponies, and Jersey, Saint's gray mare. "So...our pugilistic hooligans are still..."

"Jesse and Saint are still in jail, yes." She wrinkled her cheek, grimacing. "That judge wasn't joking."

No, he wasn't. Bender remembered the severe looking justice and his bad mood. He had been overwhelmingly thankful that the man was at least fair. And considering that he stuck Bari in a cell for two days, Bender rather liked him. But the man had been in a mood when he first arrived and it had not improved any as the court proceedings unfolded. "Not much of a dag, that one, yeah?"

Miss Lil's smile broke into a laugh and she shook her head. "I have no idea what you just said, Mr. Bender."

Bender chuckled in spite of himself. "Sorry, love." He scratched the back of his neck self consciously. Being around Miss Lil put him at ease, and he didn't feel like he had to put on any kind of front for her. "I forget sometimes."

"No..." She shook her head, still smiling fondly. "I like it."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "Good." He held out a crooked arm to her, and she threaded her hand through it, her fingers resting warmly against his bicep.

She gave his arm a squeeze as he leaned down, bussing her temple sociably, the fine, frizzing curls at her hairline tickling his nose. As she turned to look up at him, he was startled to realize their faces were close enough that he could feel her breath on his cheek. Her clear eyes were bright behind her spectacles, staring at him with an almost pensive intensity.

What are you thinking about, Miss Lil? The smile faded from his face, and his eyes met hers, but she didn't turn away from him. Sod it, mate. She's thinkin' the same thing you are. Hesitation will get you killed.

He leaned down and kissed her full on the mouth, his free hand cupping her jaw gently, feeling her lean tentatively into him. His heart had started to pound, throbbing in his ears as her grip tightened on his arm, and the soapy, grassy scent of her filled his senses.

It had been too long since he'd kissed a woman like this, since someone sweet and soft and nice had kissed him back. Since he had held someone he wanted to hold. A man could travel and shoe horses and run for thousands of miles and tell himself he didn't need anyone. Eventually he might even start to believe it. But it only took a moment of soft lips on his, of messy tendrils caressing his face, of warm curves pressing against his chest to show him how much his fortress was really made of crumbling sand.

He figured something like this could go really, really badly. But on the other hand...well...just...sod it. I have a feeling I have some catching up to do.

He felt the hot pulse in her throat quicken beneath his hand, startling him, making his knees weak. He wasn't sure which of them broke the kiss first.

She was a little breathless. She wasn't the only one. Her cheeks were flushed. "Well, Mr. Bender..." she stammered, flustered. "That was...that was..."

His face broke into a toothy grin. "That was bonzer, love."

She nodded, her lip curling in bashful amusement. "Bahn-za. Yes. Well." She was smiling softly, straightening her glasses. The blush in her cheeks had spread to her entire face coloring it a furious shade of pink. "Your real name. It's...Jon. Isn't it?"

"Yes, ma'am," He said, startled. How'd she know that? I've nearly forgotten it myself.

"You...ah." She shoved her hands into her apron pockets and gestured towards the doorway with her chin. "Why don't you come get something to eat when you're ready?" She turned away and headed unsteadily back towards the kitchen.

Bender watched her go, letting himself relax towards the rough upright supporting the roof until his shoulder connected with it, stopping him with a thud. "Here's the good dinkum oil, mate," he said to the horse behind him. "I either cocked this up bad or I didn't."

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