77: Dead Calm

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Cover painting by Angela Taratuta. Chapter artwork of Lily by Liezl Buenaventura. All graphics by me.

By the time Lily and Jesse had returned from retrieving Fiona, Storm had sat down at the far end of the front pew, flanked by Holt and Blackie. Bender stood in the aisle, clearly torn between sitting down with Storm and the lawmen, and going after Fiona himself. He exhaled with relief when he saw the three of them returning.

"She allright?" he mouthed at Lily, his hazel eyes intense with worry.

Lily did a double take when she got a good look at him. She scarcely recognized him. Mr. Bender cleans up pretty well. He wore the same serviceable clothes he always did, but he had shaved the bronzy stubble from his cheeks and pulled back the frizzy, usually uncombed tangle of his hair into a neat ponytail. His dirty coat and battered hat were nowhere in sight and she was almost surprised at the fine, handsome sculpture of his face.

Reckon it's best if we don't come here looking like a pack of wildmen.

She nodded, her hand interlaced with Fiona's as she and Jesse led Fiona back to their seats. Jesse had his arm around their friend, steadying her as she walked. Lily was relieved that Fiona had seemed to have gotten hold of herself. Their whole plan rested upon her testifying that Yarl had not assaulted her, so it was crucial that she keep her wits about her. If that fails...well...the world is going to end.

Fiona was making a point to avoid looking at Storm. I guess that's just as well if the sight of him in shackles does that to her...I don't care too much for seeing him chained up like a criminal myself. Her anger began to simmer anew. I notice they aren't treating Rob Yarl like a dangerous animal.

Bender slid into the pew beside Lily, and leaned over to give Fiona's hand a comforting squeeze.

"Bender," Lily whispered. "Where's Mr. Lynch?"

"He was talking to the lawyer." Bender leaned back in the pew, facing her. "They should be along." He locked eyes with Fiona. "Miss Fee, you up for this, love?"

She nodded, her face determined and calm. "Yes."

He looked them both over, then looked at Jesse. Lily could almost see the apprehension going on inside his head. He took in a deep breath, let it out, and made a failed attempt to relax. "Well," he jerked his chin towards the door. " 'Ere we go."

A portly, white haired man in a worn wool suit was walking towards the front of the room. Mr. Lynch, looking grim, was close behind. They both walked briskly to the front of the room and sat down next to Storm and the lawmen. And entering the room by the sacristy door was what could only be the judge.

He was tall and middle aged, and had steel streaks in his otherwise dark hair. He wore a dark, well tailored suit and had the air of a man who had heard it all and was not of a temperament to suffer much more of it. He sat down at the table that had been set up for the trial and his hard gaze roved around the room, surveying the assembled crowd.

"Alright," he said, more to himself than anyone else. The entire church building had gone silent as he leafed the papers in front of him. The soft, dry crackling of the pages were almost painfully loud in the otherwise silent, too-warm room.

Lily realized her heart was in her throat. Here it is. She thought. We're in it now. She squeezed Fiona's hand just as Bender's callused paw folded gently over both hers and Fiona's, gripping them both. He's just as scared as we are, she thought, surprised.

"I'm Judge McDaniels," he said, slipping on a pair of spectacles. "Let's just get to it. I understand we have a case for attempted murder." His voice was surprisingly soft, almost weary, with a southeastern accent. "Mr. Rob Yarl, plaintiff, and Mr. Jacques Peltier, defendent..." he glanced up and his gaze fell on Storm, then flickered back down to his papers. "And a possible counter claim by Mr. Erastus Lynch on behalf of the Central Overland Express Company against Mr. Yarl. That's a bigger issue than the assault charge..." He glared back up at the crowd, disgust tinging his genteel drawl. "So y'all will just have to wait till we get the assault charge out of the way before you get to see the show. I reckon since you were Christian enough to refrain from lynching the defendant, you won't mind waiting a mite longer."

Oh...we hadn't really thought of that..Lily stared hard at Fiona and Bender. If Fiona testifies first, there is nothing keeping Yarl from going ahead and accusing Storm. He can say what he wants, even if she absolves him of guilt. They had counted on the sensational nature of the charge against Storm and the surrounding circus atmosphere to ensure that that trial would go first. It had not occurred to them that the judge might want to clear the riff raff out his courtroom as much as possible before Storm's trial.

Fiona stared helplessly back, obviously thinking the same thing.

"Miss Lewis-Smythe," he went on, looking for her on the front row. "Can you please stand up and tell me what happened the day you were assaulted?"

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