57: Cuppa

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Cover painting by Angela Taratuta. Chapter artwork of Bender by Melissa Zayas of Three of Swords. All graphics by me. 

"Ozz...trohl...ya." Lily slowly pronounced the word, turning it over on her tongue. "You know, I had always seen that written on maps of the world and always wondered how you said it."

A smile curled Bender's lips, his eyes twinkling in the dim firelight of the parlor. "Struth, love, is that how I sound when I say it?"

Lily cocked her head, smiling. That is exactly how he says the word "Australia". She took an amused breath. "Well..." she said. "You're the only one I've ever heard say it out loud...and yessir, you do."

He chuckled, and took another sip of his tea. "Then I guess it's right, yeah?" He looked weary, but his sunset eyes were bright and full of humor. He was a suprisingly attractive man, once you got past his uncombed hair and razor stubble. He had fine, aristocratic features and could probably pass as a gentleman if not for the marks of sun and wind and hardship etched into his skin. "Look, I appreciate you're coming by here tonight. And I'm glad we got all that mess out in the open."

Lily swirled the stray tea leaves around the bottom of her cup absently. "Oh, me, too, Mr. Bender, I didn't like always having to watch what I said around here because I didn't know who knew what."

"Well, at least we know for sure we were right about Luis." Bender shook his head. "I swear, I dunno what we're gonna do with that little wally. I understand why he did it, but I really wish he hadn't."

"Are you going to...you know...do anything to him?" she ventured. She wasn't any less upset about what Luis had done. But clearly the boy understood now that there could be terrible, maybe even lethal consequences for his actions. His best friend could die. He could die.

"No." Bender shook his head and roached a hand through his habitually messy hair. "I talked to him. But I got nothing to say that he ain't already said to himself. We need to keep an eye on him til this blows over. No telling what he might do."

Lily nodded. With the exception of her own brother, she'd come to realize that of all the crew, Luis was the most special to her. She supposed it was because it was he that had first made her feel welcome here. She felt responsible for of all of them, but it was Luis she felt compelled to coddle and mother the most. All she wanted to do now was protect him. Like being the sister of one unpredictable rounder isn't enough.... She rubbed her temples. "Only way I see this working out alright is if Yarl says he was wrong about seeing Mr. Storm on his property."

"Well." Bender was pouring himself another round. "She'll really be apples if that happens. If not...Peltier will have to go to trial, and I got to tell you that for him, that won't be a good thing."


He sighed heavily, grabbing the poker and shoving the logs in the fireplace around a bit. "Just been a bad couple weeks, love. It was bad enough Peltier got attacked," Orange sparks fountained up the chimney. "... and then Luis pulls his little snake handling session, then the stage comes back cleaned out and Bluey shot up..."

"I guess you call Mr. Wash that because of his blue eyes."

"Naw," Bender looked surprised. "I call him that because of his red hair." There was no hint of sarcasm or irony at all in Bender's voice. He was completely in earnest.

Lily sat, blinking. He's kidding. "Are you...teasing me?"

He paused, raising an eyebrow. "About what, love?"

Lily felt the lightness of a genuine laugh building inside her. How can this kind of man be so...so...guileless? She held her cup out to him and let him pour a refill. Fragrant steam swirled forth. It was easy sitting and talking with Bender. She was finding once again that she liked his company.

"So," he said conversationally, his strange accent making his words exotic. "Lynch tells me you and Jesse are going on a trip sometime when he gets back."

"Yes," Lily said, feeling a twinge of worry at the mention of the trip. She was eager to go, but with the current situation, and the trouble to the west, she had mixed feelings about being away from the station. "We really need to see what's so important about this land stake that someone sent a lawyer out here. I just hope the thing with Mr. Storm and Luis is sorted out before we go."

"Just the two of you, then?"

I hadn't really considered... "Well...yes. As far as I know."

He gave her a serious look. "I'm a bit worried about you traveling now. I don't mean to worry you, but..."

"I know, Mr. Bender. I've thought about that, too..."

"Well..." He put down his cup. "Maybe I could see Lynch about going with you."

"Oh!" Lily looked at him, surprised. Certainly, having a man like Bender along would probably make the trip a bit safer...but..."That's a pretty big favor...I can't ask something like that of you..."

"I certainly wouldn't mind, Miss Lil," he said. "Look at it this way, it would save me worrying the whole time you're gone." He smiled, his sun-burnished face looking suddenly and uncharacteristically bashful. "Well, look, me love, I don't want to intrude on your trip. You give it a little thought."

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