Got the body of a goddess

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ROC POV: (I'm getting tired of Prince's shit. Like forreal! TF you callin Ayanna out her name for! You got some serious jealousy issues that need to be dealt with. YOU THE ONE THAT GOT AYANNA IN THIS DAMN HOSPITAL! Why do I even call you my bro? That shit is long gone. Like why you getting so damn defensive over me asking what you doing? Must be something real damn important... can't stand stank shit and this shit is real stank! A/N: (LMFAO!) This is wasting my Fucking time. Fuck Shit I'm done...)

Yanna: what did he say Roc? You look real pissed

Roc: He's a bitch! He gone say he ain't gone come up here to visit cuz he don't want to then he gon call you out your fucking name again! Ain't nobody got time for that shit!

Prod: i have really had enough of him calling girls out their name. That shit ain't cool!

Ray: i know he like Ayanna and all but don't call her out like that

Yanna: I'm sick off him callin me out. But whatever

Roc: He is such an asshole!

Yanna: Lets just talk about something more happy! Where are you guys going next on your tour!

Ray: Out the country i think

Prod: Yea.. I think Denmark or some place like that

Yanna: Oh gosh... Not a big fan of planes

Prod: Me and you fit so well together

Yanna: (laughs) Yeah I know (looks at Roc) Roc calm down... I don't care about what Prince said anymore.

Roc: (gets up and goes to the door) I'm going to get the doctor.

(leaves) (I am so pissed right now...) (goes to the front desk)

Nurse: Hello- wait aren't you from that gr-

Roc: Yes I am, but I sorta don't want to be noticed right now.

Nurse: Oh, I apologize... How may I help you?

Roc: Apology accepted, and my friend just woke up about 5 minutes ago and i was wondering if we could get a doctor to check up on her...

Nurse: What's the patient's name?

Roc: Ayanna Brooks

Nurse: Oh! The young women who was jumped in a parking lot? Roc: Yep that's her.

Nurse: Wow! It's a miracle that she mad it... I heard that her spine was damaged badly... but I will get Dr. Leroy to come see her.

Roc: Thank you

Nurse: No problem

Roc: (walks down to the food court and grabs 3 waters and a Gatorade and sees a girl that made his stomach do flips)

Cashier: Umm. excuse me sir? That will be 5.56...

Roc: (still staring at the girl)

Cashier: Hello? (snaps her fingers in his face) Will you please pay for your drinks??

Roc: (Snaps out of his thoughts) Oh... I'm sorry (pays for the stuff and walks up to the girl) Umm... Hi i'm Roc Royal... You might know me from a group called-

???: Mindless Behavior... I know who you are. I love you guys (smiles)

Roc: (laughs) Well that's good to know... You have a beautiful smile by the way.

???: (smiles hard so that her dimples sink in) Thanks... Where are my manners? My name is Imani.

Roc: And you can call me Chresanto or Chres for short

Mani: Alright Chres. (laughs) I should get going. Gotta give my nana this water (shakes the water bottle that's in her hand)

Roc: Can I at least get your number before you go?

Mani: Sure... give me your phone.

Roc: Gosh so demanding (laughs) I'm just playing (give her his phone)

Mani: (Puts her number in his phone and puts a little emogi heart by her contact name) There you go lover boy.

Roc: Aha! Thanks... Hopefully I'll see you around (grabs his phone)

Mani: Yeah. Hopefully. (turns on her heels and walks out the food court)

Roc: (Damn! just made my WHOLE day! Imani Imani Imani. I won't be able to get that name out my head till the day I die! She got the body of a goddess And eyes that shine bright like a diamond. Thank God for the man and woman who made her!) (walks back to the room and sees the doctor talking to Ayanna)

Roc: (sits next to Ray) What's he saying?

Ray: He said Ayanna can leave tomorrow. They just need to keep her over night to make sure that everything is stable. When she was jumped.. The girl body slammed her on the ground. They could tell by how her spine shifted.

Roc: Damn...

Ray: That's what I said but they are going to give her some heavy pain medicine to knock her out for the night. So we can get ready to go.

Roc: Aight (gets up and walks to prod) Hey me and ray gone go back to the hotel... Glad your feelin better Ayanna. We'll be back tomorrow morning.

Prod: Aight

Roc: Ray, lets roll

Ray: Aight bye Prod and Ayanna

Prod: Dueces

Ray and Roc go to the limo and ride home

Roc: (should I text her? I've never been afraid to text a girl tho... Ima just do it) (pulls out his phone)


I'll Roc You°°: hey imani

Mani on top»: Hey chres :)

I'll Roc You°°: wyd?

Mani on top»: just chillin.. you?

I'll Roc You°°: headin back to the hotel

Mani on top»: oh yeah i ment to ask who were you visiting at the hospital?

I'll Roc You°°: oh.. my friend got jumped about a week ago at this block party.

Mani doesn't reply


Roc: (Why did she stop texting me??? All i said was that Ayanna was jumped a week ago.. *suspicion inserted*) ( walks into the hotel room with ray)


Imani??? Is there any suspicion??? Tell me wassup!

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