is it really you?

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Yanna: (walking in a tunnel until she sees a light) (whats that light i wonder) (walks toward it)

?: stop! dont go to that light

Yanna: (tf!) (turns around and immediately starts crying) justin?

Justin: yes sissy its me (walks to her and hugs her)

Yanna: (hugs back) o my god. im staying here with you

Justin: (lets go of her) no ayanna. you can't

Yanna: (confused) what? why?

Justin: because this isnt what it looks like. (breaths out heavily) listen your not in heaven yet because your not dead yet. your in the in betweener

Yanna: well then why are you here

Justin: because i saw you come here

Yanna: wwhy cant i stay here and when i die then i can just go to heaven

Justin: AYANNA! stop being so hard headed! you cant stay here. this in betweener is full of dark angels and they come here and take people away to hell! (yells) DO YOU WANT THAT?!

Yanna: (gets teary eyed) why are you yelling at me justin?

Justin: because you dont listen. just go back to your body ayanna. please

Yanna: but-

Justin: please dont say anything else and go

Yanna: fine since you dont want me to stay here with you

Justin: ayanna im doing this to protect you. dont act like i dont want you here


Justin: okay calm down ayanna. im sorry (hugs her)

Yanna: (hugs back) im miss you fatmack

Justin: wow you are really still calling me that (laughs and lets go)

Yanna: yep

Justin: loser

Yanna: (sticks out her tongue)

Justin: alright, go

Yanna: (sheds a tear) im going to miss you

Justin: i will to just remember im watching over you and so is daddy

Yanna: o my god tell i said i love him

Justin: i will (hugs her one last time) by sissy

Yanna: by fatmack

Justin: (opens a vortex with ayanna's body)

Yanna: (jumps into her body) (slowly opens her eyes) prod?


PROD POV: ( gosh its been a week and ayanna still hasn't woken up. i have been by her side since we found her. i spend the night here with her. i haven't left once) (looks at her) ayanna if you can here me i just want to let you know that i love you. and i know that we aren't daring or any thing but i feel like god sent me a gift. you. and i don't know what i would do if you leave me. i would just have to get through it i guess. but just know that i love you with all of my heart. ( kisses her forehead) can you give me a sign that you here me?

Yanna: (moves her fingers)

Prod: (starts crying tears of joy)

Yanna: (opens her eyes slowly) prod?

Prod: o my god ayanna! (hugs her)

Yanna: oww prod

Prod: (lets go) im so glad that you woke up

Yanna: (smiles weakly) i am too

Prod: (takes out his phone) i gotta call the boys (calls roc)

Phone Convo

Roc: hello?

Prod: yo, put me on speaker

Roc: ight. your on

Yanna: hey you guys

Roc: YO! is that ayanna!?!?

Yanna: yeah (laughs)

Ray: o my god! how are you feeling

Yanna: im good

Roc: we gona come and see you

Yanna: okay i love yall

Ray and Roc: love you too

Prod: bye yall

Roc: (takes prod of of speaker) we'll be there in about 15 minutes

Prod: ight see yall then

Roc: bye

Prod: bye (hangs up the phone) they will be her in 15 minutes

Yanna: okay

Prod: go back to sleep, you just woke up.

Yanna: okay ( closes her eyes and goes back to sleep)

Prod: (she finally woke up! im so happy) (sits on the couch and watches tv)

Sorry you guys. i was soo busy doing nothing. i had a writers block. sorry again. i luh yall.


<3 Yanna

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