sunshine state!:)

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YANNA POV: (wakes up and goes to brush her teeth, wash her face and take a shower. wraps a towel around her so she wont be seen and gets her clothes. she sees prod and smiles to herself and touches her lips and goes back in the bathroom) ( i wish i didnt kiss prod. im not the type of girl thats all slutty. i play hard to get but when i saw prod its like something changed in me and i fell in to his eyes and i kissed him! i dont wanna be a mb hoe.. Ugh! i am so mad at my self! I'll go on this date with prod and see how it goes but i dont want a relationship now! im 16 for crying out loud! i need to live my life! (puts on her clothes and goes back into the room and sees prod awoke) hi prod

Prod: hey you don't look that happy

Yanna: im fine (half smiles)

Prod: oh okay you ready for that date?

Yanna: huh? oh yea

Prod: ayanna you dont have to go on it with me. i understand that we went to fast yesterday

Yanna: oh no! i want to

Prod: oh good so you wanna help me with something?

Yanna: like what?

Prod: with getting ray back

Yanna: definitely!

Prod: alright so heres what we guna do


Prod POV: (so we gonna prank ray this is gonna hilarious) ( him and ayanna get into position) ready 1 2 3 (ayanna slaps ray then ray puts his head up and prod farts in his face) (starts laughing hard)

Ray: WHAT THE HELL PROD!!!!!! (chases prod)

Prod: o shit! (starts running)

Yanna: (ROFL) and i recorded it

Prod:( ray tackles him and holds him in a headlock) AYANNA HELP ME!!

Yanna:(runs into the living room) o lord! (gets on ray and laughs) get off him!

Ray: naww! wakin a nigga from his sleep aint gone happen!

Prod: (loosing breath)

Yanna: ray! let go he cant breath!!!!!

Ray: (lets go fast) yo im sorry prod are you okay!

Prod: (gasping for air) god i need to be an actor

Ray: man! (hits him) that aint funny you gave me a heart attack!

Prod: i told you i will get you back

Ray: i just gotta get you since since you were apart of this (points to ayanna)

Yanna: o hell no you not gona touch me!

Ray:we'll see

Yanna: whatever dont touch me!

Ray: we'll see i gotta pack up arnt we on our way to to flordia?

Prod: yea im already packed

Ray: alright (gets up and goes to his room)

Yanna and Prod:( highfives each other and goea back into their room)


Yanna: Florida should be fun we should go to the beach

Prod: yea when when we get there we can go

Yanna: how much longer do we have

Prod:they were driving all night so prolly an hour

Yanna: o (thinks) lets go show roc and prince that video!

Prod: prince?

Yanna: yea i dont care about his attitude im gonna get to the bottom of it

Prod: aight letts go( go to rocs room)

Yanna: (jumps on rocs bed) wake up rocky poo! (squeezes his cheeks)

Roc: what yall want?

Prod: we wanted to show you this video (shows him the video)

Roc: O MY GOD! (laughs) yall are cray

Prince: (walks into the room ) y are yall so loud?

Roc: this video they showed me

Prince: can i see it?

Yanna: yea (hands him her iphone)

Prince: o my god (ROFL)

Ray: you better not be showin them that video!!!!!

Yanna : to late (laughs)

Ray: ugh ima get yall

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