Fuck A Fake Friend

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YANNA POV: (why would prince do this? I thought he was the "peace maker", the "prince charming". Wow lies, lies, and more lies. I really don't even know how I feel about him. And I know your probably wondering " you haven't even known them for that long" okay? And? If you were in my shoes you would feel the same way. Prince isn't the prince y'all think he is. These few days not including the coma have showed me ALOT about his personality. Fuck a fake friend is my new motto. I ain't got time for no body's bullshit. This is the new and improved Ayanna.)

Prod: what are yall's mottos?

Ray: Hmm mine would be work hard play hard

Roc: mine would would be believe in your self

Prod: (laughs) Roc your so soft. Mine would be life goes on.

What about you Ayanna?

Ayanna: Fuck a Fake Friend

Prod: why that?

Yanna: cuz i hate bitches that use people or talk behind they back. Then when that person finds out that they talkin bout them. The bitch is gone say they never liked then. but you didn't like that person so much that you couldn't keep their damn name out you mouth. I also hate when bitches stop being your frined when you so called "bring their popularity down" So thats why i say Fuck a Fake Friend.

Ray: damn that was deep but true

Prod: what made you choose this motto tho? Has some one done this to you?

Yanna: I've had so many people only wanting to be my friend cuz i was popular or girls that stop talking to me cuz im bringing them down. NO! fuck all these fake ass bitches. One of them is the one that has me in this damn hospital.

Roc: (shocked) Are you serious?!

Yanna: as a damn heart attack

Prod: gosh

Yanna: prince is fake to, like why the hell you turn on people you don't hardly know. TF?

Ray: i think he is just jealous that you like prod and not him

Yanna: Fuck that! Just cuz some one don't like don't mean you gotta go around callin them a bitch. He betta be glad that all he got was a damn slap cuz it woulda been some domestic violence in that hotel. Like get a damn life

Roc: maybe he didn't know you liked prod

Yanna: (chuckles to herself) Oh no the nigga knew. I clearly stated that i had liked prod when yall came and sung for me. And when we were at pinstrikes you saw the attitude he was giving me. Prince may be a lot of things but he ain't stupid. He knew damn well i liked prod. When he called me a bitch he said I tired of all yalls lovey dovey shit so he knew damn well what was goin on. I can't believe that he would actually think that I would like him after he called me a bitch and a dumbass. Like i said, the nigga ain't stupid.

Ray: true true. Prod you a little silent over there.

Prod: I'm just listening. and glad she likes me. (smirks)

Yanna: (turns red)

Roc: y'all need to just go out with each other

Ray: that's what I'm saying please go ahead and do it

Prod: well we were going to go on a date but that was the day Ayanna was jumped so...

Roc: oh well we about to leave Florida since we weren't able to do the promo and show cuz you didn't want to leave ayanna

Yanna: o my god. I messed up yalls tour. Im so sorry

Ray: it's okay. we're going to come back to Florida after we're done with the tour.

Yanna: okay i feel better now but thanks prod. I really appreciate that

Prod: (smiles) your welcome

Yanna: (blushes again)

Ray: oh my god prod. Go ahead and ask the girl please!

Prod: (laughs) Ayanna you wanna be my girl?

Yanna: (frowns) I'm sorry prod but I'm not ready for a relationship

Ray: aw damn

Prod: (frowns) what?

Yanna: I'm just playin of course I'll be your girl prod

Prod: (lets out a sigh of relief) Had me scared there for a minute

Yanna: (laughs) i wouldn't do that

Ray: thank god yall a couple now. I was about to turn into prince

Prod, Yanna, and Roc: -__-

Ray: gosh it was just a joke

Yanna: whatever (turns to prod and smiles) I'm glad i can call you my boyfriend now

Prod: (smiles) and I'm glad i can call you my girlfriend (kisses her cheek)

Roc: yall are so adorable!!

Ray: you betta be happy

Roc: shut up


PRINCE POV: ( I know what your thinking "what the hell Prince. why are you acting like a bitch" well guess what you don't know who in the hell I am. Since I have nothing else to do I'll just tell you. Yes I'm jealous of Prod and Ayanna, because I wanted Ayanna. I'll admit it. ARE YOU HAPPY! Any way I haven't visited Ayanna cuz I've been having business to take care of. I'm in a gang called Nirvana and I had to take care of shit if you must know every damn thing. But yeah I got something for those bitches Prodigy and Ayanna. You surprised that this is who I am? Well get the fuck over it. I know I'm a crazy psycho path. I fucking know. I ain't that "spead the peace" pussy ass nigga no more. I'm Jacob Perez. That's the name I got from my Nirvana niggas. Fuck Mindless Behavior. Fuck these so called "fans". Fuck everybody! I don't give flying fuck about nobody except my Nirvana niggas. Those my bros for life. So from now on get you head from out my ass and focus on your own damn life. I don't need no one's irrelevant Bullshit from now on. Go fuck yourselves. Jacob. Out) (grabs his gun and goes out to the streets)


I'm so sorry y'all my Wi-Fi has been kicking my ass. But answer these question for me to get the next chapter.


1) How do you feel about Ayanna and Prod's relationship?

2) Is prince a psycho or what??

3) What do you think Prince will do to Ayanna and Prod?

4) How do you feel about Prince now?


Okay so answer these for the next chapter. I won't post another chapter if I don't get any feedback. Thank you.


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