Kakashi Falls

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It's been about a week since Kakashi let me into his home, and I haven't been made to smile once. He's tried, too, cracking jokes and all the works. But my spirits refuse to lift.

With the Village still reeling from the Sand and Sound attack, many of the Ninja remain in the Village as guards of a sort, protecting us from rumor that we are weak in numbers. People are afraid that we'll be attacked for a second time, with other Villages thinking we're weak. We aren't, but it's still not a happy thought.

And I know all about unhappy thoughts.

Since we haven't been going on any missions, I've taken to sleeping more and more. I know this is a sign of depression, and Kakashi knows it too. But I just can't make myself get up, even though I understand what depression can cause people to do. I want to fight, and at the same time... I don't.

When the light hitting my face becomes unbearable, I finally roll out of bed and onto the floor. "Ow," I mutter, my voice muffled due to the fact that my face is pressed against the wood floor. It's mid afternoon now; I've slept much longer than I should have. Ugh. If I don't do something about this soon, I'm going to have to stop being a Ninja because I sleep all damn day.

I dress quickly, then pop into Kakashi's room. He's not here, and I can't say I'm very surprised. Like most good Ninja, he's an early riser. He's probably been out of the apartment for hours.

I'm such a mess.

I grab a quick breakfast--lunch... whatever. Then I head out the door, locking it behind me. I've noticed Kakashi doesn't often lock his door, but I'm slightly more paranoid than he is, so I've taken the liberty of doing it. Yes, sadly, paranoia is one emotion I have regained.

As I walk through the Village, I pass a number of people I recognize, who smile at me and wave, or call out greetings. I simply nod my head in return, hunching my shoulders and keeping my eyes trained on the ground in front of me.

After a while, people stop calling out.

Reconstruction work is being done on the building toppled by Orochimaru's snakes. I've heard it took one of the Legendary Sannin to take them down. That Sannin is, apparently, the same Pervy Sage Naruto was complaining about before the end of the Chunin Exams. Whoop dee doo. We've got a pervert as one of the most powerful Ninja in existence. The Leaf must be so proud.

...And now I'm a bi--

"Akari! Hey, over here!"

My head snaps up to stare at Kiba and Akamaru. Kiba's waving his arms in a frantic manner to grab my attention. He and Akamaru are sitting in a restauraunt I've never been to, along with Hinata, and three people I can't see very well. I wave to them, but don't move any closer. "Hey! Get your ass over here!" Kiba shouts, gaining the attention of several passersby. I sigh and walk into the restauraunt, mainly because I don't want to cause a scene.

"Hi, Kiba," I say. The most I can muster is politeness, instead of my usual cheery greeting upon seeing him. He frowns at me, then drags me into the open seat beside him.

"Have you met all of Team Guy?" he asks, gesturing to the three people across the table from us. I raise a hand in greeting to Lee, who smiles at me gleefully. I nod my head to the girl, Tenten, I think, then scowl at the third one, Neji Hyuga.

"Neji Hyuga," I say, my voice taking on a dark tone I don't like in the least. He blinks at me coolly, his pale eyes betraying nothing. "Akari... Yuki," he says, adding in my last name after a pause. "How nice to finally make your acquaintance." He sticks out his hand, expecting me to shake it. I don't lift a finger.

"A-Akari," Hinata squeaks, and I wince. She hasn't stuttered around me in so long. Have I changed that much? "I-It's alright," she says softly, on Kiba's other side. "Neji is d-different. I-I've f-forgiven him."

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