Chapter 14

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Naru-kun bursts into Tazuna's house while still dragging me behind him.

"Look.... who.... I.... have found!" he says in between breaths. He is hunched down a little to regain his breath. I'm also panting but much less then him. The training must have been worth it then.

"Sakura." I look up to meet Kakashi-sensei's eyes.

"Did you finish your training?" he asked sternly. 'Oh I totally see how everyone was worried, Naru-kun.' note the sarcasm. Deciding to act cocky I lean on my right leg and cross my arms over my chest.

"Yep." I say smirking. He smiles with his eyes closed and walks over to me patting my head. Everytime he does that he reminds me of that vision or flashback or what ever it is. I smile up at him. Looking at the rest of occupants of the room I see Tazuna smirking at me and Tsunami smiling gentlly but no Inari.

~ Memory ~

I sent some of my chakra to my feet and could feel it going through the ground beneath me. Ahead of me I could feel another chakra but this one was stronger then Naru-kun and Sasuke. There's only one way to see if that's sensei. I started running in the direction of the chakra.

I heared a twig snap and instantly stopped in my steps turning around and pulling one of my daggers out.

"Come out! I know you're there!" I yelled. There was rustling behind the bushes and I got into a battle stance. Slowly a boy stepped out from behind. He has black hair and dark-coloured eyes, he's also wearing a green jumpsuit with a yellow shirt, a pair of sandals and a blue and white striped hat. I put my dagger away.

"You're Inari, right?" I asked. I haven't talked to him before but I have seen him run out of Tazuna's house once. Later I was told by Kakashi-sensei that he's name is Inari and that he's Tazuna's grandson. He just continued glaring at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You think you're all high and mighty, don't you?" he spat out. I narowed my eyes at him.

"There's no place for heros in this world, so go home before you get killed or better yet.... don't even try to be heros! You can't protect anyone or yourself! You'll all just going to die!" he shouted. I could clearly see tears in his eyes.... but what he said made me beyond angry. I marched to him.

"You listen here, brat! I'm not trying to be a hero but I will protect does I care about.... even if that means I'm putting my life on the line, so go home before you get hurt." I spat out and turned around walking away from him and in the direction Kakashi-sensei was.

After a while I came to a small clearing and saw sensei there.

~ End of Memory ~

Damn, maybe I was too harsh on him? I small sigh escaped my lips, fortunately no one seemed to have noticed.

"Come and sit down, eat." Tsunami said gentlly. I nodded and sat down next to Sasuke. He hasn't said a single word yet.

"You okay?" I asked glancing at him. He just hn'd and continued looking straight at the wall. Another sigh escaped my lips as I shook my head gentlly. Tsunami put a bowl in front of me and I thanked her.

As per usual Naru-kun and Sasuke had a competition on who can finish eating first and then tried to run out of the house but sensei stopped them. What I wasn't expecting but was very glad for the fact that Inari had ate with us. At least now I know he got here safe if nothing else. He just quickly ate and then went back to his room.

"Now that all of my team is here, we can take you to the bridge Tazuna-san." sensei said. Tazuna instantly stood up and left the room, probably to get his equipment.

After Tazuna came back we all got ready to leave but I stopped and turned around. It was too quiet for my liking. 'Where is Naru-kun?' I thought as I walked back into the dining room. What I saw shocked me a little. Naru-kun saw literally lieing on the floor and snoring.

"Sensei!" I called him after a sigh escaped my lips. Soon after he came back into the room and also saw Naru-kun sleeping on the floor he also let out a sigh.

"I'll take him to the room, you can go and wait with Sasuke and Tazuna-san." I nodded and walked out of Tazuna's house. It was a calm and sunny morning.

"Where's your sensei, kid?" Tazuna asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Give him a minute." I said and shrugged. Sasuke hn'd again and I turned around glaring at him.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked him. He's been acting quite weird since I came back this morning.

"Nothing." I raised an eyebrow at his answer.

"It's not nothing Sasuke, you've been more of a loner and quiet then usual...." he tsked and then let out a sigh.

"It's nothing Sakura, okay." I sighed and nodded.

"You better not be lying...." I murmured to myself but loud enough for him to hear.

"Okay, that's taken care of. Now, we can get moving." sensei said as he came out of the house. We all nodded and started our walk to the soon to be bridge, without Naru-kun.

We finally made it to the soon to be bridge and I was a little shocked to see a big enough number of builders. I mean, with Gatto and everything....

"Tazuna," called out one of the builders. We all stopped and turned around looking at the said builder.

"I need to talk to you...." he said, sounding a bit nervus. I glanced at sensei and he shruged.

"Sure, what is it?"

"I don't think I want to work with you anymore, this whole thing is putting my whole family in big danger...." Tazuna's eyes widened and by the look on his face I would say he's getting really mad.

"What!? We're building this bridge to protect our families!" he yelled. The other builder just shook his head sadly.

"I'm sorry...." he said and walked away. Just then, fog started to surround us. 'What's going on?' I was looking at everything around me. I can't see any builders any more.

"Sakura, Sasuke! He's here...." sensei said. My eyes widened a little and locked eyes with Sasuke. We nodded at each other and got on either side of Tazuna. Sasuke pulled out a kunai from his pouch and I pulled out my daggers. 'Focus Sakura.'

"This is the mist concealment jutsu, isn't it?" I asked sensei. My eyes were darting all around me.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting Hatake...." we heared a voice from the mist. I new it, he's alive! I instantly got into a battle stance and griped my daggers tighter.

".... I see you're still carrying those kids with you." the voice spoke again. I heard quiet clanking and I glanced at Sasuke. His hand with the kunai was shaking a little.

"Look he's shaking again...." Zabuza said humorlessly. Then sudenly about ten Zabuzas appeared in front of us. I turned my attention to the ones in front of me.

"I'm shacking with excitement." I could just feel Sasuke doing his Uchiha smirk, which made me smirk. 'This is going to be fun!'. Sensei turned sideways to Sasuke and gave him a thumbs up.

"Go for it, Sasuke."


A/N: First of all, hello to everone~ I am sorry that I didn't update for so long but I just couldn't find the time. I promise all of you that during the winter holydays that start in 2 week and 3 days that I will update every third day or sooner.

I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes on this chapter.

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Stay awesome!

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