Chapter 6

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Sakura's p.o.v

After I left the guys I went to a different training ground. There was a training ground which I found last year. I never saw anybody there training so I decided train there. When I got there I was surprised when I saw Hinata-chan. I approached her, but it seems to me that she didn't noticed.

''Hinata-chan?'' the girl immediately froze and slowly turned to look at me then relaxed a little.

''Hello Sakura-chan.'' she said, smiling. When I first met her she stuttered on every word. Then one day while I was walking, I saw her and her father.

~£~ Memory ~£~

I was walking around the village because I was bored, I had nothing to do. Then I saw Hinata-chan and her father walked in silence until one boy ran past them and crashed into Hinata-chan. Accidentally or intentionally... I don't know. But when it happened as if a flame ignited in the eyes of her father. I couldn't quite tell what he was saying to her but I heared....

''You...... weak..... pathetic..... younger sister..... stronger....... failure...... Hyuuga clan.....'' was what I heared. I was very ticked off, I wanted to show him a thing or two... but I gave up because I was more concerned about  Hinata-chan. She got up from the ground and bowed to her father,

''I'm sorry father...... pathetic...... weak.'' she said. Then she straightened up and walked off. I followed her in the shadows until she came to a training ground. She began to train, I stood there and looked at her training for an hour. I shook my head and walked out of the shadows. I made two steps and she turned to me.

''O-oh... h-hello Sa-akura-cha-an.'' she said, smiling. I nodded and walked over to her. She looked at me puzzled until I got completely close.

''Sa-akura-chan-n?'' I looked her in the eyes.

''Why are you doing this?'' I asked and took her hand. I started wrapping a bandage around it because it were bloody and one other one was also. When I finished I looked at her, by the look on her face I think she knows what I mean.

Her eyes began watering and she hugged me. At first I was surprised and confused but I hugged her back. I heard her crying and I felt her tears on my shoulder. I didn't know what to do so I let her to cry. Then I felt like she was pulling me down with her and we both sat down on the ground. After what I assumed to be half an hour she stopped crying and sat up straight.

''So-orry Sa-akura-cha-an....'' she said, I smiled and shook my head.

''It's all right Hinata-chan you don't have to apologize to me.'' Then I looked at her seriously.

''You didn't answer... why are you doing this?'' I asked again, she looked at the ground.

''Because I-I want to prove to my f-father that I am strong and worthy to be the s-successor of the Hyuuga cla-an....'' she said and I sighed. But smiled inside, she stuttered much less.

''There are various ways you can do it, training is one but not so that you hurt yourself and make your fists bleed....'' I said looking at the sky. Then I looked at her.

''Do you want to train together?'' I asked. Hinata-chan looked shocked then nodded slowly. I smiled and then her smile grew bigger. We were on the training ground for hours... just training, training and more training. Today she and I have increased our stamina and chakra reserve, not by much but by enough.

''Sakura-chan.... I'm glad..... that..... we are friends...... and I glad..... that you... helped me train.'' Hinata-chan said panting. I smiled at her.

''No.... problem....... you know.... you can always ask...... me for.... help.'' I said also panting. She smiled at that.

~£~ End of memory ~£~

''Sup! I didn't know you trained here?'' I said, looking at her. She looked pretty worn out, must've been training for a while. She shook her head.

''No..... I just found it recently.'' she said. I nodded.

''So how was it on your first day with your team?'' I asked.

''Um.... it was okay I guess. This boy Kiba has a really cute puppy. And the other one Shino doesn't talk much but when he talks he only talks about bugs...'' Hinata-chan said.

''Yeah I know about Kiba, I met him a while back.'' I said.

''You did?'' she asked me, on her face a smirk that I came to knew so well..... I sighed.

''No, I don't like him like that..... one day I was at the park and his puppy Akamaru jumped me, so he treated to some dangos.'' she began to laugh and I with her. I looked at the sky, I would need to talk to Kurama soon..... something doesn't feel right .

''You up for training?'' Hinata-chan asked. I looked at her and nodded then smirked.

''You're soooo going down!'' I said and jumped back.

''We'll see who's going down first! The loser pays for ramen...?'' I nodded.

She took out her kunai and ran at me. I jumped back, while in the air I threw shuriken at her. She dodged them easily, I landed on the ground and took out one of my daggers and ran at her. She activated her byakugan. I swung my dagger at her stomach and she blocked it with her kunai. I disappeared and reappeared behind her. She quickly turned around and again blocked my attack. I swung my leg at her and she jumped back, using this opportunity I again threw shuriken at her while she was still in the air. She somehow maneuvered so that most of the shuriken missed her but one scratched her cheek. She landed on the ground and panted a little. I was also panting. She brushed her thumb against her cheek to see blood. Then she sighed.

''Looks like you won again Saku-chan....'' she said.

''Cheer up you're going to beat me sooner or later!'' I said and smiled.

''I'm not mad about that....'' she said and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

''I'll be out of money if you keep it up like this!'' she whined and I laughed. We made our way to Ichirakus ramen place. As we were walking someone had to get in our way. It was.... the one..... the only..... NARUTO UZUMAKI! And he spotted us.......

''Sakura-chan, Hinata-chan!'' he yelled running to us. While he was running he got quite a few glares from the villagers and I glared straight back at them, then they backed off.

''Hey Sakura-chan, Hinata-chan, what are you doing?'' he asked when he came to us.

''We have just now finished training.... and are going to get some ramen.'' I said and smiled.

''Can I join you?'' he asked. I looked at Hina-chan and she was playing with her fingers. I sighed.

''I'm sorry Naru-kun, I just remembered I have some things I need to do but...... Hina-chan here is free and I bet she would love to have ramen with you.'' I said and smiled. Her eyes were like saucer and she was blushing like mad. Naru-kun on the other hand was completely normal, cool and collected.....  well as much as he can be.

''Oh... that's to bad Sakura-chan...... come on Hinata-chan lets go!'' he said and took Hina-chan's hand. She looked like she was going faint...... I smirked and wink at her. She saw what I did and she got even reder if possible. I laughed and started to walk away.


A/N: Well that's all I have for now.... I started a new book and if you like Harry Potter and Daraco x reader stories you could go and read it. I apologize for any grammar mistakes on this chapter.

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Bye Bye and kisses

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