Chapter 13

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The sun has slowly started to rise behind the trees and with it rays giving the thick layer of mist surrounding the forest a nice glow like feature. I looked eerie and calming at the same time.

There was a boy walking around the forest. He had a basket and what look like herbs and flowers of all kinds in it. Actually, the boy himself looks quite feminine. He has long black hair, pale skin and large dark-brown eyes. He was wearing a pinkish sleeveless kimono with purple details. Anyone could have mistaken him for a her, really. As he was walking he came upon a clearing and stopped as he spotted someone lying on the wet morning grass. Taking his chance he walked over cautiously to the person. He was taken by surprise once he saw that the sleeping person was a girl. A very pretty girl in his opinion, with unnatural pink hair with black tips. Her appearance looked worn out. He slowly held out his hand and crouched down as he was coming closer to the girl, when suddenly her eyes opened. Revealing the most amazing green eyes he has ever seen.

The girl quickly sat up glaring at him. He pulled his hand back but continued crouching in front of her. He could see in her eyes that she was calculating if he was a threat or not. 'If only she knew....' he thought. After what seemed like forever she let out a sigh and yawened streching. He was still next to her but not that close and yet he could hear her bones cracking. 'What was she doing here, anyways?'

''Hello.'' she said casually smiling at him a little. This took him by suprise a little seeing as she never met him before.... but here she was, greeting him casually.

''Good morning.'' he said smiling nicely at her. He has to continue his act after all.

''What are you doing out in the woods so early in morning, nii-san?'' she asked emphasizing the last part with a raised eyebrow. He was taken aback yet again this morning. 'Did she know? How could she?' he thought his disguise was quite good. Apparently, he was wrong.

''Oh.... just picking some flowers....'' he said in a gentle voice smiling at her.

''Let me help you then.'' she said as she stood up and dusted off some of the went grass from her clothes. He smiled and nodded as he also stood up. Just then he noticed at he was quite a bit taller then her.

''So, what's your name?'' she asked as she picked up another herb like the ones he had in the basket.

''Haku.'' he simply answered as he took the herbs that she already has gathered and put them in the basket. When he turned around she was giving him a small smile.

''Sakura.'' she said and turned around to pick other herbs and flowers that he needed. He was staring at her back, his eyebrows knitted together in confusion. 'Is she really that naive?' he thought. No, that's not it. She seems better then that, then why.... is she talking to him like an old friend and giving him her name? He let out a sigh and continued picking herbs.

What he didn't notice is that while he was in his little world, thinking how naive she is. Sakura never took her eyes off of him. 'He isn't just a normal boy.' Just as yesterday, she was able to find Kakashi feeling his chakra she could also feel Haku's chakra as well. It was strong, not weak as the chakra that comes of a civilian. She just mustn't let her guard down with him. She let out a quiet sigh and continued picking flowers once again.

As they were done it was still quite early in the morning. Sakura decided that it would be probably better if she got back before anyone else woke up. For some reason Haku was coming with her half of the way back. This, didn't fit quite well with her but that's okay. She will just have to be carful to leave him behind not to close to Tazuna's house. Sakura knew that they were close so she stopped and turned around looking at Haku.

''So, I guess this-'' she stopped in the middle her sentence when she heard snoring. She looked back at the direction of the noise and just as she looked at Haku, he walked pass her and behind a tree. She quickl walked after him seeing as the snoring was coming from the direction Tazuna's house was in. As she turned around the tree her face went blank. There was Naruto sleeping at snoring. She let out a sigh as she walked over to him and the crouching Haku next to him. She put a hand on Naruto's head and pushed down. Since he was leaning on the tree he fell down and hit his head on the ground. Which instantly woke him up.

''What!? What's going on?'' he asked as he was looking at Haru. He didn't notice Sakura as she was standing next to him leaning on the tree. I don't know how he didn't notice. Then he blushed a little still looking at Haru.

''You're very pretty....'' he murmured and Sakura put a hand over her mouth to stop giggling. And he still didn't know she was there!

''.... even prettier then Sakura-chan.'' she stopped giggling and slowly turned her head looking down at him. She wasn't obsessed with how she looked but that still hurt. Naruto turned around feeling an all to familiar killing aurora, his eyes going wide and his face losing all color.

''S-Sa-akura-chan.'' she took a step closer to him and smacked him upside the head. Not too hard.... or gentelly. He was holding his head crying anime cears.

''I'm sorry S-Sakura-chan!'' he stuttered out and she sighed crouching down next to him.

''It's fine, Naru-kun just don't say that about a girl again if she near.'' she said, her killing aurora going away and being replaced by a more calming one.

During the hole time Haku was just standing there. 'She seems like she cares for this boy were much.' was his thought as he watched them talking and smiling at each other.

''Where have you been!?'' he shouted at her in concern. She just smiled sheepehly as she scrached the back of her head.

''I was training and I fell asleep out of fatigue....'' she said looking at the ground and blushing a little. She suddenly looked up as if remembering something.

''Oh, Naru-kun this is Haku!'' she said smiling as she stood up and walked over to Haku. Naruto also stood up and walked over to them.

''Hello, it's nice to meet you Haku-chan.'' he said smiling at him. Sakura was standing behind him holding her stomach in laughter. 'I just have to act like nothing is wrong....' she thought as she continued to giggle.

''Actually, I'm a guy.'' Haku said as he scrached the back of his head smiling at Naruto. His eyes widened and his cheek grew red. 'I can't believe I mistook his for a girl!' he tought to himself. Then he looked at Sakura standing behind him and his eyes widened. He grabbed her hand and started pulling her with him.

''Come on, Sakura-chan! We need to go everyone was so worried! It was nice to meet you Haku!'' he yelled as he continued running away with Sakura. She looked back at Haku and saw that he disappeared, her eyebrows instantly knitting together in worry. She looked back ahead so she wouldn't trip and saw Tazuna's house in the distance.


A/N: Please don't kill me! I'm so so sorry, I really am! High School has started and I have so much to do and I don't have enough time and....

If you want to know more or just yell at me check out my new book called Talk to Me. You can ask me anything and I'll answere the best I can or I'm just going to rant on about how shitty my day was. I hope you like this chapter. I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes on the chapter as well.

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Stay awesome!

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