Chapter 9

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~Safe house, location: unknown~

Speaking through a microphone: I know you're probably mad, pissed and what to kill me but I am so so so sorry! I know I haven't updated for a long time and I'm so sorry. As I said I had to deal with school and homewore and shit like. That is why I made an extra long chapter for you guy. It's late at night here i'm sorry for any grammar mistakes on this chapter.

Hope you enjoy!


Kakashi-sensei and Tazuna-san returned after about thirty minutes. Kakashi-sensei sighed at looked at us with a serious gaze.

''We're not continuing this mission, it turned into an A class mission and so is to dangerous.'' he said.

''But Kakashi-sensei is it not our duty as fully fledged ninja to help and assist our village in any way possible?'' I asked, knowing that I am right. Sasuke backed me up.

''You saw yourself that we can take care of ourself sensei.'' he said. Kakashi-sensei was looking at us in deep concentration and then sighed.

''Fine, we'll continue this mission.'' I smiled from ear to ear, glad that we can continue our first mission out of the village. Suddenly I remembered that I didn't hear a word from Naru-kun the hole time. I quickly turned around and saw him standing a little away from us with a kunai in hand.

''Naru-kun?'' I asked scared and my voice squeaked at the end. Everyone turned around at the sound of my voice and looked at Naru-kun.

''With this wound....'' he started and stabbed his hand with the kunai. I was looking at him wide eyed and in shock. 'Has he lost his freaking mind!?'

''.... I swear not to stand by frozen in fear while my friends are in danger. Believe it!'' he shouted, sensei sighed.

''Naruto that's great and all but if you don't stop the bleed you will die.'' he said looking at Naru-kun kinda boredly.

''What!? NO, NO, NO! I don't want to die, I'm to young to die!'' Naru-kun yelled and started to run around like a headless chicken. I ran up to his and hit him on the head, he stopped and fell to the ground holding his head. I pulled him up.

''Why did you do that Sakura-chan!?'' I pulled out my medic kit and started to wrap his wound with a bandage.

''Because you were being a baka.'' he pouted. After I was finished wrapping his wound I looked up at him and locked my eyes wih his.

''Don't you ever dare to do something like that again.'' I said in a threatening low voice, he gulped.

''Y-yes ma'am!'' he shuttered. 'He better be afraid of me!' I smiled kindly at him like nothing has happened.

''Good.'' I stood up and turned around to see Kakashi-sensei looking at us and smiling. He walked over to Naru-kun and examined his hand, he then looked up at me and smiled.

''Good job Sakura.'' I smiled back, it's a good feeling to be praised by your sensei.

''Thanks sensei.'' I took a glance behind me and saw Sasuke glaring at Naru-kun. 'That's weird....'

Sensei turned around and as he was walking called to us.

''Lets go.'' Tazuna-san walked behind him and Naru-kun hurried and walked on his right side. I also hurried my pace to walk by Sasuke.

''You alright?'' I asked, he took a side glance at me then looked away. I raised an eyebrow.


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