Chapter 10

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I looked around us again and saw something move in the mist. I quickly took my daggers out just in time to stop the clone Zabuza's sword coming down on us. I pumped chakra to my hands and was able to push him off of me, he disappeared in the mist again. I looked and the boys and an idea came to my mind.

"'Kay guys, this is how it's going to happen....'' I whispered and told them the plan. They both nodded in understanding, I nodded back at them and looked around us. The Zabuza clone appeared again and I blocked his attack again with my dagger. 'I have to be quick or my hand's going to give in....' I pumped more chakra into my hand and quickly with the other reached for my other dagger. I pulled it out and quickly swung it at him, he just barely dodge it then disappeared in the mist again. Just as he disappeared I let my hands fall down and let out a big breath. 'Just this few seconds that I was using one of my hands took a lot more chakra out of me then I thought....' I looked behind me just in time to see the clone coming at me. I pumped chakra into my legs and as fast as I could jumped back. He swung his sword at me and I dodged it by a breath by doing a backwards roll. He disappeared into the mist again, this is really geting old and on my nerves as well. He appeared again and I did the hand signs for a shadow clone, as she appeared we blocked his attack together. He appeared behind us, I turned quickly to block him but I was too tale, I was just able to dodge enough so that he stabbed my side and not my abdnon. I hissed in pain and fell down to my knee once he pulled out his sword. He smirked evilly down at me, I just glared up at him. 'I need to keep the justu up just for a while longer....' My clone threw one of my daggers at Zabuza's clone and he just dodged it but didn't move back. 'Now!' The dagger transformed into another clone of myself and threw shuriken at the back of Zabuza's clone successfully hitting his back and turning him into water. I sighed in relief and my clones disappeared, I stood up and went to pick up my other dagger and then put them both away. I held my side in pain. I started to slowly walk to the rest of my team. 'I hope that Sasuke and Naru-kun made it and are okay as well as Kakashi-sensei.' I hissed in pain again as I walked, this wound hurts like hell.

As I made my way to them I saw Kakashi-sensei falling into the water. I leaned on a tree nearby and watched Kakashi-sensei and Zubuza fight. Sensei was copying every of Zabuza's justus like it was nothing and in the time span of a millisecond. Zabuza's geting more and more pissed as every second passes. Then sensei made some hand signs and a water vortex was created, I was looking at their battle in awe. I took a glance to the side and saw Sasuke and Naru-kun also looking at the battle in awe and wonder. I looked back at the battle, the vortex created a massive wave that was coming straight for us. I gulped 'Oh shit....'. The wave picked us all up and carryed up along with it, I took a firm hold on a tree and was hugging it 'til the wave passed. Once it passed I sat at the bottom of the tree to try to regain my breath. I looked around me just to see Zabuza pinned to another tree and the rest of my team around him. I stood up, my hand on my side and walked slowly up to them. Naru-kun turned around and looked at me then ran up to me and hugged me.

''Sakura-chan!'' he yelled, I giggled through the pain, once he put me down me and him walked to Saskue and Kakashi-sensei.

''You alright?'' sensei asked concerned, I nodded smiling.

''Yeah.'' we then all looked at Zabuza as sensei pulled out his kunai.

''I shall end this here and now.'' snesei said and just then two senbon needles came flying and lodged themselves into Zabuza's neck. Zabuza stopped moving, we all snapped our heads into the direction from where the senbon needles where sent flying. There on a branch of a tree stood a masked ninja, Kakashi-sensei went to Zabuza and checked his puls. There wasn't any.

''Thank you for helping me get Momochi Zabuza, I was after him since he left the village.'' the masked ninja said, his voice sounds a little high for a man's but by his body built he's definitely a man.

''You're a Hunter-nin, aren't you?'' I asked. He turned to looked at me and gave me a nod. He jumped down from the tree branch and went to Zabuza's body.

''Wait! What's a Hunter-nin!?'' Naru-kun shouted and sensei sighed.

''A Hunter-nin is a ninja given the specific duty of hunting down missing-nin and completely disposing of the body by using various methods, leaving no secrets of the village in the body.'' sensei said, I took a glance at the Hunter-nin and frowned. He isn't much older then us. He picked up Zabuza's body and gave a nod to us.

''Thank you.'' he said and disappeared. Just then Tazuna-san came from behind a tree, he looked at me half glaring.

''You're justu's pretty good.'' I smiled at him, just as I opened my mouth to thank him everything around me started to become blurry, I could see my team calling me but no sound came to my ears. I went falling back but never hit the ground, I was just able to glance to the side enough to see that Sasuke caught me and then everything went black.

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