Chapter XX: Hunting

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Chapter XX: Hunting

When I woke up, Istal was a few metres away and grazing. I rolled over and hissed as pain went up my side. I peeled my t-shirt away from my skin and looked down my side. Up my side was a strip of large assortment of bruises. "Damn," I cursed knowing how painful it would make riding. I was surprised I hadn't felt it the other day. It was probably due to the adrenalin from when we had been outracing the Urgals.

I looked up at the sky; the sun wasn't too high in the sky. I yawned and moved over to where I had dropped my saddle and saddlebags last night. I groaned and moved my saddle and took off the saddlebags and my rolled up sleeping mat. I grabbed some food from one saddlebag and pulled my bridle out from another.

I quickly ate my breakfast as I untangled the bridle, which wasn't too badly jumbled. Istal snorted from beside me. Must you use that horrid contraption?

I can change it slightly, but there may be times I need to use the reins if I don't have enough time to say what I want to happen. I replied looking at the bridle in my hands.

What about the saddle, do you really need that? Istal questioned.

This time yes. Simply because it helps keep my position when attacked, which we may end up doing. We're chasing Urgals after all. I replied.

Very well, Istal said with a sigh, although you may want to remove the metal bit in my mouth. If someone grabs my bridle, I may end up doing what they ask to simply escape the pain.

I hummed in thought as I took the reins off the bridle and tied them so they were in a loop. I took the bit off and tested the bridle on Istal. I smiled, I had more or less created a bitless bridle, or a headcollar, considering there were no reins. I saddled Istal and put the looped reins over his head so it encircled his neck. I used some rope from in one of my saddlebags to tie the loop to the saddle so that it wouldn't fall off Istal's head if he bent his head down to graze.

I looked around, Snowfire and Cadoc were nearby grazing happily, and Eragon was near them with a splint on his arm under a blanket. I shook my head in thought, the man, no longer a boy that was for sure, hadn't had the best ideas but even so he had saved my life. "I suppose that's another life debt owed," I said to Istal who tossed his head.

Yeah right, you've saved his life before and he's saved you. And it'll probably happen again. You two are as close as brothers are, and I highly doubt you'll ever be on opposing sides. Istal said. I mounted the stallion and he started cantering back towards where the Urgals had been blasted with magic.

We aren't like brothers, I protested weakly. We've just gotten close over the past weeks as we're close to the same age and we both speak instead of just being silent like Brom. Istal tossed his head but didn't say anything else.

Istal slowed to a stop as we approached where the Urgals had been thrown. I dismounted and looked over the tracks, ignoring the remains of an Urgal nearby. Six of the Urgals had headed in the same direction, east, while the other five had split up going to opposite directions but none following the tracks Brom and I had made last night.

The smallest tracks pointed north, I mounted Istal and directed him to follow the tracks. Istal reared and burst into a gallop, I leaned forward out of the saddle as we sped along, taking delight in each other's presences. Istal slowed down as the footsteps started to fade, he kept up a trot and followed my directions.

Istal stopped suddenly and raised his head. I looked up at the sky. The sun was peaking just above the treetops directly above me; it was just past midday I guessed. What is it? I asked Istal as he took a deep breath.

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