Chapter IX: Idle Days (Unedited)

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Chapter IX: Idle Days

When I awoke the next morning, I had bruises, welts, and stiff limbs. I rubbed my eyes and pushed myself up, mentally groaning at the soreness in my limbs. Eragon was already starting to cook breakfast and Brom was putting something leather on Saphira - I guessed it was the saddle for Eragon.

As the other two seemed occupied, I decided stretching might ease the soreness and stiffness in my limbs. About ten minutes later, the pain in my limbs had faded somewhat. I walked over to Istal, Snowfire and Cadoc. The later seemed the most energetic and was the only one to look up when I arrived. I rested a hand on the horse's neck and gave him a quick rub with my hand. Cadoc tossed his head and returned to his grazing, I shook my head at the horse who was happy to not be ridden.

I walked over to Eragon and silently took my bowl of food and ate it. When we were all finished, Eragon seemed nervous. Brom and Eragon walked over to Saphira and I started getting rid of any evidence we were there.

"Now remember, grip with your knees, guide her with your thoughts, and stay as flat as you can on her back. Nothing will go wrong if you won't panic." At Brom's words, I turned around to face Eragon on Saphira.

Eragon fiddled with the leather bands around his legs before stilling all movements as Saphira crouched. Saphira leapt into the sky and with three massive wingbeats, she was in the sky and climbing.

Brom smiled to himself and walked over to me wordlessly. I silently handed him his pack, and walked over to Cadoc and tied on Eragon's pack. Cadoc tossed his head as I tightened the girth a bit more. "Good boy," I said stroking his neck and pulling the reins over his head. "I suppose you'll lead Cadoc?" I questioned Brom, Brom nodded and mounted Snowfire and I handed over Cadoc's reins. "I'll catch up in a few minutes." I said turning to Istal.

Istal trotted over to me and stood still as I gave him a quick brush with some dry grass. Before I put on the saddle, while leaving the girth loose, and put on the bridle. I turned to tighten the girth and Istal sidestepped, I frowned and wondered if I had missed some annoying dirt or prickle while brushing him earlier. I undid the girth and ran my hand down the girth area. Istal didn't move at all, deducing that it must be on the other side I ran my hand down where the girth would be. My hand reached a soft bump behind Istal's foreleg. I frowned and put pressure on it, Istal immediately shifted away from the pressure on the sore spot.

I took the saddle off Istal and using Ren I cut a small section of the saddle blanket to use. Replacing the saddle blanket and saddle, I put the soft blanket on the saddle sore and tightened the girth. A few pushes on the girth caused Istal to shift uncomfortably but he didn't move away.

I smiled to myself and mounted Istal, Istal tossed his head and trotted forward a few steps before slowing to a fast walk. We soon caught up on to Brom on Snowfire who had been letting Snowfire walk slowly while we caught up. Upon reaching Brom, we both let the horses go into a smooth canter, which was easier on the horses and us.

"What can you tell me about mental power?" Brom questioned, I quickly thought about what Brom had said the other day.

"Well... Anyone can block attacks and speak to things mentally?" Brom frowned but nodded his head at me to continue. "Dragons use it to speak to their riders, it ahh... helps in battle? As someone won't know what you're about to say unless you're speaking to them." I guessed.

"What's a disadvantage?"

"Well I suppose having your mind talking to people, and maybe shielded, would seem suspicious to people searching for blocked minds." I said thoughtfully.

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