Chapter XL: The Battle for Farthen Dûr

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XL: The Battle for Farthen Dûr

I mounted Istal, Murtagh doing the same beside me. "A scout ran out of a tunnel a few minutes ago," I explained to Eragon, who had just woken up.

"The Urgals are coming," Murtagh continued.

Together, we watched the dark mouth of the tunnel through the ranks of men and sharpened stakes. Minutes dragged by. Then a man cried, "I hear them!" The reaction was instantaneous, warriors stiffened; grips tightened on weapons. No one moved, no one breathed.

Harsh Urgal shouts shattered the air as dark shapes boiled upward in the tunnel's opening. At a command, the cauldrons of pitch were tilted on their sides, pouring the scalding liquid into the tunnel's hungry throat. The Urgals howled in pain, and a torch was thrown onto the bubbling pitch, creating a fiery inferno that engulfed the Urgals.

I dropped my gaze, wishing that I wasn't able to hear the pained screams. Eventually, the Urgals managed to clamber out of the tunnels. The first row of archers fired; the Ugral line waved and threatened to break, but weathered the attack. The numbers of Urgals was uncountable, but at least I couldn't see any of Galbatorix's troops with the Urgals, which meant there probably weren't any. We had a chance.

Baleful notes echoed through Farthen Dûr as war horns sounded. The entire group of Urgals charged with savage war cries. They dashed against the rows of stakes, covering them with slick blood and limp corpses as the ranks at the canguard were crushed against the posts. A cloud of black arrows flew over the barrier at the crouched defenders. I was safe behind Saphira's bulk, her armour stopping the arrows in their tracks.

The Urgals were foiled momentarily, but then the war cries were raised again as the army surged forward. The assault was bitter. Its momentum carried the Urgals through stakes, where a line of pikemen jabbed frantically at their ranks, trying to repel them. The pikemen held briefly, but the ominous tide of Urgals could not be halted, and they were overwhelmed.

I drew Ren, preparing myself as the first lines of defence were breached. A deafening roar burst from the men and dwarves as they rushed into the conflict. One side of me, Saphira bellowed and leapt forward into the fight.

Istal charged forward into the fray, his front hooves slamming into the chest of an Urgal and trampling them underfoot. I parried a blow with my own sword, killing an Urgal seconds later. Istal and I connected our minds, almost melding into one being. We knew what each other was going to do before it happened, and it allowed us to become an even fearsome force in battle.

Eragon needs help, I pointed out at one point, my eyes glimpsing a red blade flashing in the midst of war. Istal moved through the battle, kicking out at any Urgals that dared get to close. Tornac and Murtagh rode up next to us, and the pair of us drove the press of Urgals – that were surrounding Eragon – back.

I pulled Eragon onto Istal, and we rushed toward Saphira, who was embroiled in a mass of enemies. Eragon swung off my horse, and attacked wildly. Saphira managed to break free, and Eragon quickly mounted her.

Murtagh and I moved off into another knot of Urgals, leaving Saphira as she took off into the sky. Eventually, Murtagh and I were separated, and I found myself guarding a group of dwarves and men.

The battle was going badly for us, and as the hours slowly passed, everyone grew increasingly exhausted. At some point, I had been forced to drop Istal's reins and had started using both of my swords to keep myself safe. The time passed, and Istal was growing more tired, while I struggled to keep defending myself, as well as attacking the Urgals.

A Kull came out of nowhere to attack me from the side, and I raised my arm, too slow to actually block the blow. The Kull hit me like a battering ram, and I tightened my grip on my swords as I was sent out of my saddle. Istal whirled around, but was quickly attack by another Urgal.

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