Part 19:A Million Reasons

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soul pov

I am walking to the dwma to meet up with the others so we can search for maka. When I get there star is freaking out and tsubaki is trying really hard to calm him down. Kidd is explaining his plan to me and patty is playing with a ball and Liz is sighing. Crona is telling ragnorak what's going on. while he bullies him for worrying about maka. Maka. Why? Why did you have to leave me?

"so she is definitely not in death city. So spread out. Ask any one if they have seen her. Go to any libraries" kidd says determined.

"RIGHT!" Everyone says and leaves. I look around Nevada. But no sign of her. But a old women says she saw her on a train that was going to Oregon. So that was our next stop. Oregon. We search for a week in Oregon. But still cant find her. Will we ever find her? Me and everyone else meets up in a hotel. We share one big room. I notice that tsubaki and star are holding hands. They must be together. I look away. Me and maka used to hold hands. I go to sleep. And don't dream.

"wake up soul!" Patty yells


"look! Aren't they so cute?" Patty makes a kissy face. Tsubaki and star are cuddling. This makes me upset so I leave. I walk around town. I think we are in... Medford? I look around. This town is terrible. I rather be in school. But I need to find maka. Thank god we are excused. Thank god kidd is our friend.

"what am I going to do?" My phone rings in my pocket. I answer. Its a number I don't recognize.

"h-hello? Soul?" Its maka!

"maka?! Where are you?! Well i know in Oregon b-but where?! I need y-" she cuts me off

"I love you. But I can't see you until I'm better! I don't want to ruin our relationship."

"n-no you wont!" I start to cry.

"goodbye soul, I love you." She hangs up. I fall to the ground. Its useless. I walk. I make it to the train. A train to death city. I'm just going to go home. I can't deal with this.


the next day I go to school. The others are there. They tried talking to me but I just gave them short answers. When I walk in the halls I see star and tsubaki hold hands and hug. I see kidd kiss Liz on her cheek and run away. Then come back and kiss her on the other side, because its symmetrical. And even patty and crona are flirting. I can't face them. They remind me of me and maka to much.

"hey soul?" Liz asks


"I'm really sorry I can tell that you get sad because of us. Because we have our partners. And I'm sorry! I really am! We all feel guilty! Its just the rest are to afraid that you will hate them if they talk about It with you. I'm so sorry." Liz starts to cry a little.

"its ok..... Maka said she will see me again when she gets better. But I don't know when she could be tomorrow. It could be never. I don't know. But she said she didn't want to ruin our relationship." Liz looks sad and cries some more.

"she feels like that because she is so sad about her mom that you at getting tired of caring for her and taking care of her crying. She thinks that it will make you two drift apart. So she wants to get better so she can come back and it will be better." Liz hugs me. The bell rings. "oh I have to go! Bye soul!" Liz wipes her tears.

"bye" I wave. I put my hands in my pocket and start walking away. I walk to my next class. I sit down. I look at makas seat next to me. I look away.

"soul eater and maka albarn!" Sid yells. "your up against kim's team."

"m-maka isn't here." I look down and at her desk again. "she is missing"

"I'm sorry. But your gonna have to go on yourself then". I stand up and walk down slowly. I turn my arm into scythe. I keep my eyes on the ground. Kim start fighting and I just stand there. She punches me and I fall. I lay there. "can you at least try?" Sid asks irritated. I don't answer. "whatever, next!" I stand up and walk to my seat. I think about nothing but maka. About our good moments. About the last time I saw her. In this class. In the seat next to me. The bell rings and I sigh. I stand up and walk to my locker. I continue my day looking at the ground, thinking about maka and crying. When I get home I sit in the quiet house. On the couch. I walk in her room. I lay on her bed. I start crying. I haven't cried this much in a long time. Maka brings out a side of me I never knew was there. That is a reason why I love her. There is a million reasons.

she is beautiful

she is silly

she isn't afraid to be herself

she is strong

she never gives up

she is brave

she took care of me when I needed it

she was always there for me

she brings out a new side of me

she makes me realize who I really am

she always makes me laugh

there is so many more reasons.

a million.

she is one in a million

I fall asleep thinking about a million reason why I love her. For some reason, it makes it easier to sleep. Thinking about her. It puts me at ease. It makes me feel safe. It makes me feel like she might come back. I want her to come back so much! I will do anything! Anything. I would die for her. I would die for those a million reasons of why I love her. Please maka. Just come back to me. I promise everything will be better. Please? I'll give you a million reasons why you need to come back. Please?



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