Part 11: You Are

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sorry it took me forevs! I had a concussion and got busy! Sorry. So here you are enjoy! Tell me what you think of my story so far! Thanks for reading!! Enjoy! :3

maka pov

I open my eyes. I feel pain on my head. I touch my forehead. I look at my hand there is blood. I stand up. I realize that I rolled off the bed and hit my head. I sigh in relief that there is no monster going to kill me. I look at soul, sound asleep. He is so handsome. His eyes open he smiles brightly then sits up.

"what happened to your head?" Soul asks worried

"I think I rolled off the bed and hit my head on the dresser. I'm ok".

"come on klutz" soul says standing up walking to his suitcase. He pulls out a first aid kit, and grabs gauze. "come here". I walk closer to him and sit down in a chair next to him. He cleans my forehead with a wet washcloth. I look at him and see his crimson red eyes. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I can feel my face get tomato red. He notices and chuckles. After he is done, he pats my head. I smile at him.


"anytime, just be careful you klutz" soul kisses where he bandaged my forehead and stands up. I blush more than I could imagine.

"I'm going to take a shower. If you need anything just yell."

"o-ok" I struggle to answer. He shuts the door. I sigh. Oh his sweet, sweet smile and handsome eyes, his cute laugh. Augh shut up! Get over him he doesn't like you back! Oh I wish I knew what he thought of me. I love him with all of my heart! Soul, just please love me back!

soul pov

I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom and see maka reading a book. I sigh. I walk over to her and take the book from her and book the bookmark in then set it on the table. She looks at me pouting.

"reading is boring." I say with a smile. She sticks her tongue out at me.

"dont make me attack you." I say with a smirk.

"you wouldn't" maka says then sticks her tongue out again, and giggles.

"that's it!" I jump on the bed and tackle her. I pin her down and she laughs and fights me. I start tickling her, her laugh is so adorable!

"s-s-soul p-please ssstooopp!!!! Please I'm begging you!!hahahaha!"

"fine then say soul is awesome and my master!" I say laughing evilly.

"fine just s-stop!!" I stop, but keep her pinned down.

"haha haaa. Fine soul is awesome." She says pouting


"and my master. There now let me go!"

"never!" I tickle her a little bit more and we roll of the bed. She rolls on top of me and she pins me down. We laugh. Then it becomes quiet. She smiles at me. Her eyes so beautiful, her smile so sweet. I lean closer to her and she leans closer to me. This is it! But just before our lips meet, a knock on the door. She lifts her head up, and blushes madly. I do the same. She laughs nervously and stands up.

"s-sorry, i-I didn't mean to... To uh..." Maka tries to talk

"its fine" I go up to her and flick her forehead. I walk up to the door and open it. Its a lady with medium long brown hair and blue eyes. She is tall, and wearing a green and white stripped shirt with blue jeans and black boots. She waves.

"yeah?" I say

"hey i-I uh was checking on you guys, I heard a thump and just thought I would make sure nothing was wrong." The lady says politely. She seems to be very silly and wild.

"oh yeah we are fine. I just rolled off the bed." Maka says from behind me

"good. Just making sure because, you know didn't want that guy killing you."

"what guy?" I ask curiously

"are you from here? He is the guy killing all those kids. He hangs around schools and playgrounds. He just killed another yesterday. Poor kids" the lady says with empathy

"why dont you come in" maka says. I look at her and she whispers "it might help us know where to find him." I nod in agreement.

"o-ok" the lady says as she walks in.

"so what's your name?" maka asks

"my name is birdie. What's yours?"

"this is maka and I'm soul."

"nice to meet you." Birdie says with a smile.

"so where is this guy?" Maka asks

"I dont know where he lives, but around 2:00 o'clock he hangs around the schools and pick kids up. That's why parents have to pick them up and they aren't allowed outside of their classrooms."

"thank you. We are here to kill him. And we will, we promise!" Maka says enthusiastically.

"oh you must be a weapon and Meister? Yeah I'm a weapon! My partner Jarrod and I would like to kill him but they are sending us to go do some missions in Idaho here in a couple days."

"really? We go to the dwma." I say coolly.

"really? I've always wanted to go there! That's so cool! To bad I can't go there." Birdie says sadly.

"wait you go to school? Aren't you to old for school?" I ask

"what? no! I'm turning 15 this month! And my weapon is turing 16."

"oh I thought you wet like 18" I say surprised

"yeah I get that a lot." Birdie blushes

I look at maka she looks confused. Like she wants to say something but can't. Then she asks "wait so you are a weapon, and your partner?"

"yeah. Haha I have the skills to be a Meister. But I'm a weapon. Same with my partner. We have different fighting styles. So I fight first, and then we switch and confuse the opponent. We are both swords." She says proud

"that's amazing!" Maka looks interested. I look at the time. Its almost 1:00. We wet going to go out and hang around town for today. We won't be able to if maka keeps asking questions about her fighting styles.

"maka lets go." I say shaking her. She doesn't respond. "maka?"she is still asking birdie questions. "ok birdie we have places to be, so see ya later"

"oh bye, nice meeting you" birdie leaves.

"ok maka get dressed. We are going into town."

"ok hold on." She says standing up.

"come on 5 minuets. Or ill tickle you again!" I threatened her.

"no please!" Maka says hurrying to the bathroom to change. She gets ready within 5 minutes. Surprising!

"ok ready?" I ask

"yeah lets go!" She is about to open the door then I grab her by the hips and pull her onto the bed and tackle her once more. I tickle her some more. Just so I can hear that sweet laugh of hers.

"n-no sttooooop!" Maka laughs and laughs. I stop and hold her down.

"who is amazing and handsome and your master?"

"you are" maka says sarcastically

"and who is beautiful, and sweet?" I ask smirking

"you a- wait what?" She asks blushing.

"you are" I say with a sharp tooth smile. And wink at her. Then I stand up and walk out the door and wait for her. She walks next to me still blushing. "wanna race?"

"sure. Ready... Set... Go!" Maka yells. We race through the halls pushing each other and laughing and running down stairs. Maka wins because she pushed me into someone who I had to apologize to. So she cheated. She is so cute. I love her. I live for her. My maka.

Soma: Please love me backWhere stories live. Discover now