Part 13:Cool Guys Dont Cry

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soul pov.

I can feel maka's soul. It feels sad, and angry. Guilty. But why does she feel guilty? There is no need to be guilty. If anyone should feel guilty it should be me. But i don't feel guilty. I feel angry that he didn't help me, and save me from our parents. I am angry because he killed those kids, and interrupted mine and maka's... Dinner. I dont care that he took my other girlfriends. Because I have maka.

"come on... Maka? That's your name right?" Wes asks. "it doesn't have to be like this. Just keep a secret, come with me and my petty little brother doesn't have to die. Or I could kill him, finish a job my parents couldn't." Maka charges at Wes. She swings at his right arm, he dodges.


"yeah soul?"

"let him charge at you, then jump over him and slice hid back. He was never good at watching his back." Maka does what i told her to. It works, she hits his back but the cut wasn't very deep. He can still fight.

"shit!" Wes screams. He charges at maka she dodges his attack, but he strikes her with his other arm in her side. She screams in pain.


"I'm ok soul. What do i do now?" Maka asks holding her side. My mind races. I need to help her. But we need to kill Wes.

"do the same thing as last time but instead trick him and turn around and hit his stomach. He will try to dodge your attack by moving away and you will catch him off guard and stab him." Maka nods and does what i say. She stabs him. He falls to the ground. Blood splatters everywhere. He is loosing a lot of blood. I feel really guilty right now. But maka is still guilty, but mostly at ease. I can't help but feel like all that happened to those kids, was my fault. But i know its not. Maka falls. I change back and pick her up. I look at Wes. He Is dead. I want to cry. But cool guys don't cry. I grab makas clothes I bought and walk to the hospital with maka in my arms.

When I get there they immediately take her and stitch her up. She will be fine by the morning. But she will need to have help walking for a week. Seems like more wheelchair for poor maka. Its my fault she is hurt. Again. We stay in the hospital tonight. And leave Las Vegas tomorrow. I can't stay here to think about my brother any longer.

I have been sitting in a chair next to maka all night. I fell asleep a couple times but woke up from a nightmare. It was flash backs of my childhood. I decide to stay up. When maka finally wakes up I am asleep again. Dreaming about my past. I guess she knows I was having a nightmare because she wakes me up looking worried.

"are you ok?"

"oh yeah just having a nightmare" maka still looks worried. "ok, ill tell you." Maka smiles.

"I feel guilty about killing my brother. I feel like all the things he did to others is my fault. I want to know why he didn't save me from my parents. And I feel guilty, because its my fault again for you getting hurt." I look at maka. She frowns. She hugs me. I blush only a little.

"soul, dont think about you parents, its in the past. All the things he did to others is his fault. Not yours. You did nothing! And we killed your brother together for a good reason. You shouldn't feel guilty! I am worried about you soul. Dont make me worry." Makas soul doesn't feel sad or angry or guilty. But happy. For some reason, all my worries melted into her arms as she hugged me.

"thank you maka. I feel better now." I look at her.

"you ready to go home?" Maka smiles.

"yeah just need to pick up our stuff from the hotel and check out. Then we can go."

"alright lets go" maka stands up.

"wait maka ill help you." I put her arm around me and help her to the wheelchair. She pouts. I look at her and give in. I give her a piggy back ride to a taxi. When we get to the hotel I carry her upstairs and down stairs. And to the taxi again. She isn't to heavy but, I can't handle very much more of this.

"soul I can try to walk on my own."

"no maka you are hurt."

"no look!" She pulls up her shirt where her scar is. And it seems to be healing pretty fast. "I feel Better!"

"ok lets try" maka smiles. I kiss her on the cheek and the taxi stops at the airport. I get out of the car and grab our stuff. And me and maka make our way to the airplane. After we get on, I look out the window one last time. This is where my brother took his last breathe. I am never coming here again. I can't. Maka taps on my shoulder. I turn around.

"are you ok soul?"

"yeah I'm ok." I wink at her. "just thinking"

"oh about your brother?"

"haha yeah. Good riddance."

"soul don't cry." Maka teases me

"I'm not"

"awe poor baby come her give me a hug. I'll make you feel better!"

"haha I'm not crying" i tickle maka. She laughs so much she starts crying. People shush us."now look who is crying."

"what you never cry?"

"nope never!"


"because cool guys dont cry."

"whatever" maka smiles. She rests her head on my shoulder and soon falls asleep. To be honest. I dont know if I can still cry. I dont know if I have anymore tears. But it doesn't matter. All my worries are gone as long as I have my maka.

"I love you"

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