Part 4: Sorry

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maka pov

he was now sitting on the couch next to me waiting for my response. He looked anxious. Should I lie? Or should I tell the truth. I can't lie. But if i tell the truth he'll think i like him. He'll get suspicious.

"w-well maybe i-i do like your eyes..." I answered hesitantly.

he shows his teeth with his grin. "thanks. But you said something about my che-?" Soul starts to ask.

"-shut up!" I interrupt him. I can feel my face get hot. I am probably colored like a tomato. This is really embarrassing! I hope he doesn't suspect me liking me. I don't know what i should do.

he laughs. "thank you maka, but i rather someone that isn't so flat chested." He smirks.

that's rude. Maybe he doesn't like me. Because i am flat chested and not real pretty. Why would i think he would like me? Im so stupid!

soul pov

i was trying to make her jealous. I don't know why though. The words just came out of my mouth. But I wasn't telling the truth. I do like maka even though she is flat. And she is very beautiful. I hope I dont hurt her feelings. I wish I could just tell her the truth, but what would she think of me? I'm sorry maka.

"soul... That was mean." Maka looks hurt.

"you do know I'm kidding right?" I try to say cool. But on the inside I was saying sorry hugging her.

"yeah." Maka stands up and walks to her room with her plate and slams the door. Damn! I hurt maka. And I'm to stupid to say sorry! I'm sorry maka! Maybe she will get over it? Hopefully... Probably not. I dont know. Well we need groceries. I'll go shopping and buy her a book or something. That might make her happy.


Maka pov

i took a nap after I finished my food soul made me. It was really good. What woke me back up was the front door shutting. Soul walks to the kitchen, I could hear him putting something down. He probably went grocery shopping. I'm glad because now I don't have to. Shortly after realizing that soul went grocery shopping I feel back to sleep.

soul pov

I open her door to maka's sleeping face. It made me smile. I bought her a book and make an I'm sorry note and set it on her night stand by her bed. And walked out shutting the door lightly. Then putting the groceries away. So I could make lunch.

after making lunch I thought maka wasn't going to wake up any time soon, so I thought I could go out to town. So I do. I drive my motorcycle to deathbucks and meet up with tsubaki. I was going to ask for advice about maka but then I remembered that they are best friends and If I told tsubaki if I liked maka she would tell her. But I could probably ask advice about if my apology would work.

"hey soul!" Tsubaki says with a soft smile.

"hey tsubaki" I say cooly.

"how are you" she asks as she sits down next to me at the table.

"well, good until I made maka upset" I sigh. "I told her she was flat chested, it wasn't cool."

"oh no soul why would you do that?" Tsubaki asked.

"I don't know why! I wasn't trying to be mean. I just...said it." I complain to tsubaki as she just sits there and listens to my problems.

"well soul did you say sorry?" She asks

"well I bought her the book she has been wanting called prodigal mage or something like that. And gave her a im sorry note. Do you think it will work?" I ask. hope it does!

"well soul I really think you should say sorry in person." She smiles a soft smile.

"yeah your right." I sigh.

"why are you so worried?" Tsubaki asked as she giggles.

"I'm not" I say cooly.

"you seem very worried. Are you scared she wont want to be your friend any more?" She asks with a smirk. I dont know if I should tell her. Well when her and black star kissed she didn't tell anyone for two weeks until black star said something. I guess I could.

"well maybe I am ok? Is that bad?" I ask irritated

"no" she replies.

"exactly" I almost yell. And I look down to my coffee

"you like her dont you soul?" She asks with a big grin.

"how could you tell" i ask still looking down.

"easy. She is the only one who doesn't know." I look up in astonishment. "dont worry soul i won't tell.


maka pov

i wake up when soul comes home again. Where did he go? I sit up my headache gone. Well my nap wasn't a total waste. I look to my night stand to see the time and see a book and note instead. It was the book i have been wanting for a long time. Thank you soul! the note said "sorry maka for being a total a$$ i didn't mean to hurt you so i thought i should buy you a book, but not so you can maka chop me.".

"hey maka you up?" Soul asks.

"yeah come in." I answer

soul opens the door and leans on the wall. "sorry maka. I really am. I didn't mean to be mean I was just kidding."

"its fine" I say with a smile. I turn to the clock. "wow its really 8:00 already?!"

"are you even tired?" He asks.

"yeah I could go for another nap" I answered as I pretend to yawn.

"your lazy you know that." He laughs. No we laugh.

"night maka" soul waves and walks out the door.

"night" I call back. Why am I so tired. Probably because of my hangover. I'm glad soul said sorry. And got me this book. Maybe he does care about me just a little. I smile. "good night soul."


soul pov

I wake to maka screaming. I immediately run into her bedroom. She was crying. "why? Please stay! Dont do this. D-dont die." Maka cries. She wakes up and looks at me with her eyes full of tears. I sit next to her. "h-hey" I start. She hugs me tight and cries in my shirt. I hug her back. "maka what is wrong?"

"you died. You killed yourself!" She cries more.

"maka I would never do that!" I explain.

"I know but it was just terrifying." Maka calms down and looks at me with tears still in her eyes. Still hugging me.

"please stay with me?" She asks. I look at her small bed.

"your bed, it is to small maka." I answered.

"o-ok." She looks away.

I sigh, I pick maka up bridal style and bring her into my room. My bed is bigger so we could both fit onto this one. I lay next to her. I look into her eyes. She smiles. She lays her head on my chest. We slowly fall asleep. Maka...

I love you...

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