Part 17:I Will

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soul pov

I am at school. Just sitting in class. Nothing really happened this morning. Just me and maka getting ready for school. I love her so much I will not allow anything happen to her. Then doctor stein gets my attention.

"yeah what?"

"you and maka are needed" doctor stein points to sid. Sid motions for us to follow him. We go to the death room. Death and spirit is there. Sid leaves.

"you need us" maka says looking at me. She wants to keep the fact that she is my girlfriend from her dad. She doesn't want to start anything. spirit has tears in his eyes. this isn't the first time. But usually he cries because of maka. But maka didn't do anything. So what made him cry?

"yo hey! Hows it goin?" Death says with a weird voice. "we uh. Have some bad news for you maka. I wanted soul here with you because I thought that he could help you and be there for you. Unfortunately you still have to attend to school."

"what Is it?" Maka asks worried.

"well. Your mother.." Spirit walks away. "your mother. Sadly she has past away. She was killed in a car accident. She was driving and a truck driver fell asleep and crashed. They were both killed." I look at maka. Her face is dark. She is looking down. Her hands are in fists.

"maka? Are you alright?" I ask pulling her into a hug. She starts to cry. She hugs me really tight. She cries into my shoulder more and more.

"I'm sorry. But you can be excused today from school. But since you already missed so many days from your accident you can't miss anymore school." Death says waving goodbye. "see ya."

"bye. Come on maka" maka nods. We walk home. She goes in her room and goes to sleep. I need to be there for her so I make her some spaghetti and knock on her door and walk in. She is asleep on her bed. Her face still stained with tears. I set the plate on her nightstand. I sit on her bed next to her. She opens her eyes slowly.

"soul" she says with a raspy voice and a smile.

"hey beautiful!" I kiss her on the forehead. She smiles. "I made you some dinner." Maka sits up.

"thank you." She grabs the plate and starts eating. "its really good!"

"haha thanks". I look at maka. She has beautiful eyes. But i hate seeing tears in them. I wipe them away. And i rest my hand on her face. I kiss her. Then i hug her.

"it'll be alright. I promise." I crawl over her and lay next to her. I hug her tight as she cries into my shoulder more.

maka pov

I cried all night. But I didn't want to wake up soul. So I climbed out of bed and cried in the hallway. I feel like soul is getting tired of taking care of me. I don't want to be a burden. Maybe I should just go. I can't face soul, or spirit. Soul is tired of me. I love him so much though. And spirit, he is the reason my mom isn't alive right now! If he never cheated on her then she would be with us and... And she wouldn't have gotten in that car crash! I barley remember her. She left when I was six. And I haven't seen her since. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I miss her. Why?

"maka?" Soul wakes me out of my trance. I'm at school. I forgot.

"oh.. Uh sorry"

"are you alright?"

"y-yeah. I-I'm fine. Thank you"

"you sure?"

"yes" I smile a fake smile. Soul notices. I guess I'm not a good actor.

"I know your lying" I laugh.

"I know" he kisses me.

"I love you."

"I love you too"

I love you so much. But I have to go. I can't be here. I can't face spirit. And I don't want to ruin souls life with all of my needs. I'll leave after school. I grab out s piece of paper and start writing. But I do it so soul doesn't know. Its for him. For when I leave. I'll leave school early and grab my stuff and go. But I don't know where exactly.


soul pov

maka left school early. So I run home after school. I burst through the door and search the house. She's not here! I look in her room. Her drawers are open and almost empty. She ran away. I see a note on her desk. I walk towards it and trip and fall on my face. I stand up and grab the paper. I start reading.

Dear soul,
I couldn't face spirit. He is the reason why i couldn't say goodbye to my mother. I can never forgive him. I can never say sorry enough. But I'm sorry. I am sorry you have to listen to my crying and I'm sorry that you have to take care of me so much. I am a burden in your life. I love you so much, so i will leave so i won't kill spirit and so i don't ruin your life anymore. I love you, i will never forget you, ever. ~MAKA

she. Is. Gone. Where is she?! I-I have to find her! I can't let her go! But why did she. Why did she feel like she was a burden? I love her. I don't mind taking care of her. Because I love her ill do anything for her. Maybe If i told her that, she would be here. I'm so stupid. Then a tear runs down my cheek. I-I'm crying! I haven't cried since I was, 7. Maka. Why?

"WHY?! MAKA I LOVE YOU!!! PLEASE DONT!!!" I punch the wall. "don't go". I grab the phone and call star and tsunaki, and Liz and patty, and kidd. I tell them what happen and they told me to meet them at the dwma steps. We will find her. Even if I takes forever.

"I will find you maka" I grab my keys. And head out the door.

"I will"

Hope you enjoyed it! Next chapter will come soon! I love you guys! Thanks for reading my story I appreciate it! Comment how you think of it! Hej då! God natt! jag alskar dig! ^_^

Soma: Please love me backTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon