Part 16:Love Can Be Silly Too

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soul pov

me and maka are walking home. Hand in hand. She rests her head on my shoulder. I have never felt happier. I love her so much! I can't ever leave her. I can't let anything happen to her. Ever. When we get home me and maka head to my room and lay down and go to sleep. She is laying on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair as she falls asleep. I can't stop thinking about how great this is. At one point in my life I thought that my life will never get better. But it has. Right now my life has never been this great. Maka made my life a thousand times better. And I appreciate her for everything. I fall asleep thinking about the past years i have had with her. They were amazing.

I hear crying as I drift of to sleep. I see nothing but black. Then I see a light. Its over a small figure. Maka. She is glowing. And crying. Maka? I call out. She keeps crying. Maka? I get closer to her. Are you alright? I touch her shoulder and she disappears. I look around and see nothing but darkness again. Then I see a dark shadow creep over me then grabs me and pulls me into itself. Then I see maka again. Soul! She yells. I'm here! She is trying to run after me! But the shadow pulls me in more. Maka? I Yell back. But the shadow pulls me farther and farther then I can't see maka. Only a faint sound of her yelling my name. Then... Nothing. I only see darkness.

I wake up. Maka isn't near me. I start to panic. I run into the living room searching for her. She isn't in the living room or the kitchen. I run into her room. Not there either. I don't even think before I open the bathroom door. Then I see maka. She was taking a shower. She looks at me. I fall to the ground with a bloody nose. She was naked! I shouldn't have opened the door!

"soul eater Evans! What do you think your doing?!" Maka yells getting out of the shower covering herself with a small towel.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you! So I got worried and looked for you!" I grab tissue to wipe my nose with.

"you didn't bother to knock?!"

"I panicked!" Maka sighs. She bend's down closer to me. The towel is barley covering her body. I can see that she... She isn't as little as she was when we first met. She looks at me in my eyes. She grabs a book from the counter lifts it up. And. WHAM!!!

"maka chop!" She hits me on the head.

"its alright. I deserved it." I rub my head where she hit me.


"w-what?" I look at her. She kisses me.

"now get out" maka says calmly.

"uh yeah" I get up and run out immediately. I sit on the couch and wait in the silence until maka finishes. She sits next to me. She smiles at me.

"so. Can I ask you a few questions?"


"so what lesson did we learn today?" Maka tilts her head. I glare. "well?" She asks laughing a little.


"correct!" Maka throws her arms in the air. I roll my eyes.

"alright next question. Are you ok? From me hitting you?"

"cool guys don't cry." Maka rolls her eyes.

"ok another question. What all did you see?" I look at her. I turn away. My nose starts to bleed.

"I don't know"

"how do you not know?"

"fine. Just a lot ok? But its fine cool guys are used to seeing naked girls." I smile a toothy grin.

"haha ok last question. Why did you get worried?"

"because you weren't there"

"but why would that worry you?"

"because your my miester and I need to protect you. And because I love you."

"I love you too... But there is another reason. I can tell. I can feel it in your soul." I look at her. I sigh.

"I had a dream. That you were crying, then you disappeared. And then a shadow pulled me in. You reappeared but the shadow pulled me in more. Then I could only hear you yell my name. Then nothing. It scared me." Maka hugs me.

"I'm right here. Now and forever. I love you soul."

"I love you too" it feels like forever before we break away from our hug. She smiles so sweet that I couldn't help myself. I kiss her. Then i tickle her.

"haha not again! Please stop it haha!" I stop. I kiss her more. Then I hear a knock on the door.

"we can continue this later" I wink at her and stand up. I walk to the door. I open it. Its black star and tsubaki

"you ready for school?" Tsubaki asks. I look at maka. She runs to her room and shuts the door. I do the same.


maka pov

we are on our way to school. We use souls motorcycle. When we get there we have to run to class. We make it. We sit down then the bell rings. That was a close one.

"maka?" Soul asks

"yeah? What is it?"

"I love you" he looks at me and then kisses my cheek. He does this all day! And I love it. He is so silly. One time he spun me around then kissed me . And another time he wrapped his arms around my hips and kissed my cheek. When we leave school and go home, we sit on the couch and play a card game. Then he pushes the cards out of the way and then tackles me. He starts ticking me.

"haha not again!" I laugh. He stops. He kisses me. He cuddles me.

"your so adorable you know?" I smile.

"your so handsome you know?" We laugh. He picks me up and we go to his room and lay down. I haven't slept in my own bed in a long time. But I don't care. I like cuddling with soul all night. Then have him always running his fingers through my hair. I love how silly is. Love can be silly too.

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