Part 1: Morning

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Souls pov

I wake to the smell of bacon my favorite. As I get up to open the door maka knocks on the door, then opens it.

"oh you're already up" she said with a surprised expression. Usually maka has to wake me up and drag me out of bed. But this morning I woke up myself. Cool.

"yeah, *sniff* did you make bacon and eggs?" I asked

maka smiled her soft smile, "yes, because I know bacon is your favorite! Now hurry get ready we have to go to school! Dont want to be late!" She smiled again and trotted off to get ready.

I walk into the kitchen after getting ready, and see my food sitting on the table. Just when I'm about to sit down and eat Blair walks in. And of course wearing one of her usual slutty outfits! I'm going to get maka chopped for sure!

Blair jumps on me and meows, "play with me soul!" As my nose erupts in a nose bleed.

maka walks in and sees the slutty cat suffocating me with her breasts.


"ow ow owwwwwww! I hate it when you maka chop me!" Blair yelped. Maka turns to me with her gleaming emerald eyes and...


maka chopped!

"Damn it maka that hurt! What the hell?!" I screamed rubbing my head.

"well you shouldn't be playing with slutty cats then!" Maka answered as she storms off to the living room.

"why do you care maka?" I ask. Maka turns away to open the door, and was she blushing?

I clean up my nose bleed as maka asks me " are you ready or not soul?" With her angered face.

"yeah, lets go, its uncool to be late." I sigh when we shut the door.

I hate it when she maka chops me! And when Blair is being a slut! Its not me its Blair! Why do we even keep her? Maka doesn't seem to like her and I hate cats because of Blair not telling me she wasn't a witch. And because of that I'm not a death scythe! But why did she blush? Whatever, its not like she likes me. Or if I liked her....

wait... Do I like maka?

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