Part 7: Make your move

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sov pov

im sorry maka. im sorry that i couldnt save you. i promised, and i broke that promise. how could i? why would i let this happen to her?! im such an idiot! i should have made sure the guy was for sure dead! damn!

"soul, your still here?" doctor stien asked

"yeah, can i go in?"

" yep she is awake, but will have to stay the night tonight. she can go home tomorrow." doctor stien leaves. im glad she is ok, but... i let her get hurt.


"SOUL!" maka yells trying to get up to hug me, but i end up bending down so she can. i can see her scar above her shirt. it is a line in the shape of a cresent. she has about 7 stitches.

"hey you alright?"

"yeah im ok..." maka says awkwardly. we sit there in silence for a while. until maka breaks the silence

"So are you going to scold me yet?" she says looking away

"maka, why wo-" i start

"beacuse i wanted to protect you soul!" she yells tears building in her eyes

"but maka you could have died!"

"i dont care! i couldnt let you get hurt." maka says quietly as tears go down her cheeks slowly

"maka..." i lean down and kiss maka on the forehead. she looks at me shocked. "i cant see you hurt, let alone die! dont do that maka! dont do that, for me"

"but-" maka starts

"no buts" i smile and stand up. "its getting late, you need your rest. get some sleep ill pick you up tomorrow." i leave. i really kissed her on the forehead! maka why would you do that? dumb ass. i couldnt stop thinking about maka once i got home. i just wanted to cuddle her in my bed again. i cant wait to see her tomorrow.

i look out the window to the moon, who is lauhing at me.

goodnight maka

i love you


when i picked maka up this morning, she was really happy, way happier then usual. im not complainig but its just weird. i want to know what she is thinking. she and i are walking to the bowling alley. i told her to use her wheel chair, but she is stuborn and wont. stien wants her to, because her body will tire out from to much exercise. they did surgery on her, her lungs had to be repaired. she has trouble breathing, and it makes it worse when she is walking around, she gets winded from just walking to the kitchen.

"soul im to tired i have to stop"

"we are almost there, just a couple blocks."

"i cant!"

"get on my back" i end up giving maka a piggy back ride. shes heavy. makes sense, she is so small, but with a lot of muscle.

"here we are, ready to play maka or do you need help?"

"no im ok"

"hey soul maka over here!" patty yells

"hey guys!" maka yells back

"look at you! walking around and such! your doing so well!" liz yells.

"yeah well, i had a little help getting here." maka points to me

"hey soul!" i high five blackstar, he gets close to my ear and whispers, "make your move on her soul! we all know you like her, and she likes you, now make your move!" i glare at him. everyone is now looking at us. i just walk away to grab my ball.

"hey soul, you ok?" maka sits next to me

"yeah im fine, blackstar just beig blackstar." i look at him and he winks at me and gives me a thumbs up.

"well lets just get this over with, blackstar i bet i will win!" i yell and black star yells "YAHOO lets start."

"lets have teams. maka and soul, tsubaki and blackstar, me and patty, liz and crona." kidd explains "its fair because evryone has someone who is bad and who is good at this, its even. perfectly symmetrical."

"whats that supposed to mean!?" maka yells. "it means blackstar, liz, me, and soul are good, and you, patty, crona, and tsubaki are bad." kidd answers.

"yeah!" patty yells

"YAHOO!" black star shouts

crona and tsubaki stay quiet and liz just makes a grunt noise. maka and kidd argue until maka gives up and we start playing.

i really should make my move shouldnt i?


after we finish playing me and maka went home, i had to carry her again. kidd and patty won with 145 points, me and maka got 125, blackstar and tsubaki got 110, and liz and crona got 75. it was fun

when we got home, we sat down on the couch, and watched a movie. i was thinking about how i was supposed to make my move. so, i put my arm around her. and she scooted closer to me, and rested her head on my shoulder. i blushed but she wasnt paying enough attention.

when the movie ended i looked down to her. she was fast asleep. i decided to stay there, and sleep with maka in my arms. i held her tight. and soon fell asleep.

i dreamed of maka

"maka i love you"."i love you too soul". maka leans close to me and kisses me. then something grabs her and pulls her away from me. pulls her into the darkness. and she is gone. i couldnt find her. i called for her but no response. i heard her scream. then i see her on the ground with a bullet in her chest. blood dripping out. her eyes closed, her still body, cold as i hold her. then she jerks up and says "why would you let this happen?".

maka wakes me up worried. "soul wake up, are you ok?". "yeah maka, just a bad dream." i answer.

"ok, if you need anything just ask"

"i need something maka, will you stay with me?"

"the couch is to small" maka says with a smirk

"your right" i stand up and walk to my room. we lay down and stare into each others eyes.

"what happened in your dream?" maka asks

"you died again, and you said 'why would you let this happen to me' i just cant believe i let you get hurt"

"soul its just your guilt getting the best of you. it wasnt your fault it was mine."

"im just glad your safe now, thats why i need you here, so i know your safe." i hug maka, and i fall back to sleep.

"why would you let this happen to me?"

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