Chapter 34

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Melanie's POV 

" I can't believe your fiancée spilt his drink all over himself Mel. It would seem he's a little bit clumsy." Autumn laughed as we entered the mansion.  

Jake groaned behind me, "I'm going to bed. You can have one of the maids prepare a guest room for your friend." He kissed my cheek heading upstairs.  

"Come let's go to my room in the meantime." 

"Yay! I can finally meet that cute little baby of yours!"  

"She'll probably be asleep." I said as we went up the stairs.  

I quietly opened the door to my room trying not to be loud. I motioned for her to follow me inside. I check Lucy's crib where she was wide awake. 

"Look's like someone's still awake." I cooed picking her up in my arms.  

"Aww! She's adorable! Can I hold her?" 

"Of course," I set her in Autumn's arms. Thankfully Lucy wasn't fussy with strangers. "You hold her while I go change into my pjs." 


As I got ready for bed in the bathroom I couldn't help but think of Dimitri's kiss and his words. He had made me promise we would talk soon about us. I hated to admit it , but I wanted to see him again.


"Yes?" I called through the door.

"I think Lucy's hungry!"

"Ok, I'll be right out!"

I quickly brushed my teeth and went back to my room. Autumn handed me Lucy, and I got comfortable in my rocking chair letting her feed.

"I fed Dimitri's son today," I said after silence had passed.

"You did what? When?"

"I breast fed him before the ceremony."


"I felt, so bad for him Autumn. He's so neglected by Isabella. I can tell Dimitri's the only one that cares for him."

"Poor baby."

"I know. When I was feeding him I felt this connection. It was like a bond. I don't know how to explain it."

"Then Dimitri held me in his arms, and it just felt so right. He also kissed me before we left."

"No wonder you looked so flush!"

"He says he wants to talk about us."

"Do you want to?"

"I do and don't. What my heart and head want are two separate things."

"I say follow your heart. Screw your head."

"Ha! Coming from you!"

"Ok, I admit I think with my head 99% of the time."

"Exactly. That's why we need to find you a boyfriend."

"Who needs boyfriends when you have books?"

"We really need to get you out more." 

* * *  

"So when's the wedding?" Autumn asked the next day at breakfast.

"As soon as I get my divorce. Possibly another 3 months." I answered.

"Wow, anything could happen in 3 months."

"I know, that's why I have a meeting with my lawyer and Dimitri today."

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