Chapter Nine

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We both lost our footing and fell off the ledge, freefalling. The bottom of this pit didn't seem so friendly either. I don't know what that glowing, purple stuff is, but I don't trust it. I certainly don't want to land in it!

Ghirahim took my hand as we neared the bottom and I felt myself land on a hard, rock surface. To my right was a very worn Ghirahim, and to my left was the pit we nearly fell into. We were now at the bottom of a deep chasm. Just past Ghirahim was an ornate, golden door that seemed to have been randomly placed into the rock. I sat up and glanced at Ghirahim, worried. He's used a lot of power in a short amount of time. I don't think he should proceed just yet.

"Don't just... stare at me... help me... up," He said softly through gasps. I helped him into a sitting position, careful not to move his head too much. I don't know what the feeling is or what to worry about. I only know about injuries. What I don't understand is why I don't feel this exhaustion.

"I sense your worry... but you don't need to be-"

"You can barely talk Ghirahim. We're not going anywhere until you're back to normal," I interrupted. "I can't have you dying on me. Not when I'd die too." I didn't feel this exhaustion myself, which might mean I really don't have anything to worry about. However, Ghirahim isn't much use to me or his people if he gets himself killed. He can't fight or even walk in this state.

Ghirahim's yellow eyes darted to the thick, purple substance near us. It danced like flames at the top, but somehow moved more like lava at the same time, "We need to move... away from that." His head lulled back and he passed out.

Great. Just what I was trying to avoid

I picked him up bridal style and walked to the door. I don't know what dangers await behind it, but I'm not about to face it with a sleeping demon in my arms. I set Ghirahim down beside the door and sat nearby. Seeing his slightly strained face, even in sleep, I realized how overwhelming this all must be for him. I wondered if he was suffering as much as I was from our encounters. After seeing him lately, I wouldn't doubt it. I'm beginning to see him as a person like anyone else. Not just some monster in my nightmares.


I remembered that dream and the fact that I still didn't know who that is who saves me in the end of it. But now isn't a time to find out. I need to be alert when Ghirahim comes to.

Right on cue. The demon's eye lids fluttered open and his golden eyes looked around, noting the area, "Good, you understood me." He sat up and stretched his shoulders, "That purple toxin can kill you with one small touch if it's not fixed immediately. And no one knows how to stop the poison before it does. But enough of that. We need to move." In a few seconds of sleep he seems to have regained all of his strength. Odd, but I'll take it.

I nodded and stood up. Ghirahim followed and stood in front of the door. He removed the earring and placed it in a very tiny hole in the door. The whole door glowed the same shade of blue as Netti and crumbled to the ground.

As Ghirahim replaced the earring I observed the rubble with a frown, "Now anyone can follow us."

Ghirahim nodded towards the pit, "Not everyone can teleport. Besides, we wouldn't want this to be too easy now would we?"

I followed him past the opening into the darkness, No, who would want that?

All I could see inside was Ghirahim's glowing eyes. That will take some getting used to. We felt around the rough walls, slowly making our way through. It wasn't long before I could see a dim light ahead. I put my guard up, preparing myself the way I always did before entering a dungeon. Ghirahim tensed beside me and his glowing eyes narrowed. Past the opening was a dimly lit room full of vases and rocks. To the left was a latter. Above the latter was a window large enough for both of us to fit through. The problem was, there was a gap between the top of the latter and the window.

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