Chapter Twenty Four

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I had spoken to Aquento after Link disappeared, who had returned to her original form. She looked me up and down skeptically and frowned, "Where's the Sora?"

My blood burned and I ground my teeth, "The monster in there did something to him! He's not dead, but he's gone. I don't know where, but I will find him!"

Aquento frowned then nodded, crossing her arms. "You have to keep moving. I received word that Wenta is suspecting trouble. You must move quickly. The next guardian is Ketah (Ke-Tuh). He can be found in Shishka City. He is a bit vain and considers himself important. Beware."

I remembered him slightly, my memories coming with less and less information per shard lately. I was hoping this was still part of Netti's plan and not Wenta's interference. Either way I had to move. "Thank you Aquento. I hope to see you soon."

She nodded with a smile, "Find that little guy for me. I liked him, and I know you do." She winked before diving into the water. I chuckled at her words, but felt a pang in my heart at the mention of Link. I had let him down. I don't know where he is or if he's okay, and that's my fault. I need to be sure. I closed my eyes, trying my best to picture Shishka City, but could only remember the heart of the city. Ketah Industries. He is the reason the factory was even created. He used the toxin to create floating machines that aid in transportation. Anyone who lives outside of Shishka city usually avoid such inventions. They prefer the old ways. As I concentrated on the image of the building, I used it to teleport. It used much of my energy, and I ended up in the middle of the street. That wasn't the worst part either. The street was crowded, full of demons. And none of them looked friendly.

I pulled my silver tunic off and pulled my baggier one up around my face. I ruffled my hair to hide my face better as I walked toward the large building. It seems my absence hasn't affected Ketah's success. I didn't care much. All I could think of was getting Link back. The strange thing was, I could feel his presence again the way I used to. He was pretty far away, but I could still sense him. It took every ounce of my self control not to do everything I could to go after him. The main reason I didn't was because it would have taken time I didn't have. I couldn't jeopardize our mission when I know he's alive and uninjured!

I was near the large building now, but I could tell I wasn't safe here either. Three demons with huge bodies and impressive horns were standing guard. I stood in front of them, unsure of what to do.

The burlier one of the two, one with red skin and black hair that hung to his waist spoke. "No one may enter without an appointment. There are no appointments today."

I could already tell I wasn't getting in this way. If I knew what the inside of the building looked like, I could teleport to the inside easily. However, there were no openings I could see through. I was stuck. I need Zeefa.

I felt another pang in my heart. I'd let Zeefa down too. It seems I can't do anything right. First my own cousin, then Zeefa and now I'm on the verge of losing the single most important thing to me. I cannot let that happen!

The guard spoke to me again, "Has your hearing failed you? There are no appointments today."

I stood up straighter and crossed my arms. I threw my shoulders back and my chin out, "I am here on strict business from Wenta. I must speak with Ketah immediately, no questions asked."

The three looked at eachother wearily. It seems the thought of angering Wenta frightens them, which is just what I was hoping for. The largest one nodded once and stepped to the side. "Make it fast."

I stepped past them with purpose in my stride, walking quickly up the silvery stone stairs. Everything in the room shimmered and shone. The light that shone through the windows brightened up the room tremendously, almost so much my eyes hurt. That's coming from someone who's eyes radiate golden light anyway. I walked higher up the steps quickly, hoping this would be over quickly. When I arrived at the top door, I didn't even knock. I opened the ornate door and walked right in. What I saw, wasn't what I wanted to see.

Ketah was laying in a silky, golden chair leaning back with a small cup of a clear liquid. He sipped it daintily as if he were the most important person in the world. His brown curls fell to his shoulders, half put up in a ponytail with an expensive, blue coat and shiny boots. I could tell this wasn't going to go well.

He spotted me and frowned, "Excuse me, are you lost?" He spoke with such hubris that I almost laughed.

I crossed my arms and glared, "I am Ghirahim, the King of this realm. But I do believe I am lost, you don't seem the guardian type."

Ketah laughed lightly, set his cup down slowly and sat up with such grace I wondered about Netti's choice for this one, however I didn't have time to debate it. Ketah smirked and said, "The less Wenta suspects, the better it is for us no?"

I snorted, "And the fact that the only way I got in here was saying I was sent from Wenta means nothing?"

The smirk left his face and his eyes narrowed, "Are you suggesting I am a traitor to Netti My Lord?"

I didn't have the chance to respond, because at that moment my throat closed up on me. I collapsed to the ground, barely able to breathe. What is happening? My heart pounded and my fear grew as I realized.

"The bond!" I wheezed out, feeling my head pounding in time with my heart. Ketah only stood wide-eyed, unsure of what to think and do about it. I didn't care what he did, because all I could think about was Link. This must mean he's suffocating, but why?

The moment I thought about that, the pressure on my throat released and I could breathe again. I rubbed my neck, knowing this must mean Link is alive and well if I am, but why did that happen?

Ketah stood with his hand resting under his chin, studying me. "Well as much as I love seeing you wheezing all over my brand new floors, I believe there is a shard that is in need of finding. Follow me."

I stood up slowly, anger spreading through my body. I really hate this guy. I followed Ketah to a large portrait of himself. I sighed softly and shook my head, but didn't say anything as he moved it slightly to the side. The wall on the far end of the room glowed bright yellow then disappeared, revealing a gaping hole in the wall. Ketah motioned for me to walk in as if I were a pest or something then sat down in his chair again. I shook my head in annoyance and walked through the hole.

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