Chapter 11: Angie

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Angie's POV

Mmmm it smells good...

And it's so soft here...

Wanting to desperately know what it was, I open my eyes and don't really see anything..

It's just soft and smells really nice.. Like Niall...

My hands were wrapped around something and I don't want to feel it up nbecause it might be a person. Imagine how awkward that would be.

I pull my head back just slightly to reveal soft skin, and a blue shirt.

Ha it's my Niall.

I snuggle in closer wanting to feel his warmth a little more, but with a little pull I landed on the floor with a THUD and Niall fell with me.

We rolled across the floor, holding each other as close as possible, then landed infront of 10 pink painted toes.

"WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY!  We're all going shopping today!!!!"

Niall and I both stood up with a loud groan, and I released myself from Niall's arms.

"Ugh Nikki...I was sleeping.."

I slumped onto the couch and buried my face into the pillow I was holding. Niall accompanied me and layed beside me. But I pushed him off. He stayed laying on the floor trying to fall asleep on the floor. I felt I threw him a pillow. Then rolled off the couch to sleep with him on the floor.

"GUYSS tomorrow and today are the last days that we have here in London and we need to start packing!!"

NIKKI SAY whatt????


I sounded weird since my face was stuffed into my pillow, but being my twin she understood what I meant.

"UGH Angie I swear if your head wasn't attatched to your head you would forget it somewhere! I TOLD YOU like a couple of days ago that we had a break from modeling for like idk..maybe  a month and the lads said they were off too so we all decided we would go on vacation. And that's when I said that my fake mum had a beach house in the states... So we all decided to go there it's in..I think it's Florida.... REMEMBER!?"

She practically just started talking and never stopped sometimes..I swear one day she'll talk herself to death..

"ANGIE!!" Nikki shouts lifting my head up from the pillow.

"Uh? OH yeah..OH !!"

I stand up quickly and kick Niall beside me softly. Hard enough to wake him up though.

"But I don't want to go to school dad...uh? OH sorry."

He stands up quickly and lays his head on my shoulder, falling asleep again. My poor Nialler.

I kissed him on the cheek, and then with a startle he wakes up.

"Yeah, yeah, her kiss is the only thing that wakes you up in the morning...blah blah. Now you two go take a shower, and Angie..fix whatever that is.."

She points to my hair, and I make a loud grunt as I try to bite her finger.

"What's with all the grunting? Please don't tell me weran out of food...again.."

Liam walks in half awake with an asleep Danielle on his shoulder.

"No Li, we're going shopping and these tw-"


I heard two voices say simultaneously as they entered the living room. I'm guessing it was Lou and Eleanor, since no one else would be awake. Both Zayn and Harry are even more of non-morning people then I am...

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