Chapter 2: Nikki

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A/N Hi guys this is Natalie im writing this with my friend monte so im not copying we're writing it together .So anyway.. I hope you like the story plz comment and like. This is Natalie luv you guys :D

;) -this is Nikki the other twin-

Flashback------me and Harry out back ----------------------

Me - Harry! where are you Harry?

Him: Out here! I have to tell you something.

I walk outside and see him sitting under the large tree in my backyard.

Me - What is it?

I walk towards him, finally finding him! I stand before him, awaiting his answer as he picks at the grass, not looking at me once.

His thoughts: ( I hope she doesn't overreact )

**** back to reality ***

Nikki POV : Harry are you okay, what is it that your going to tell me?

Him - You know how I got on X factor and I made it to the finals?

His voice shook, and he nervously helped me sit down, next to him.

ME - Yea so?...

He looks down to the ground, afraid of saying what's coming.

Him - Well.. I'm leaving next week.


I stand up briskly, but shocked, as I look down to him furious.

Him- How am I being careless I'm following my dream? Oh my god! Nikki you don't care, your suppose to be my best friend and support me!

He stands up from his place and turns his back to me.

ME- I'm sorry Harry its just that I'm going to miss you.

Him - Maybe you could come with me!You could get that modeling job you always wanted!

ME - Really??? Okay I'll come! (I go and hug Harry real tight.)

****MY thoughts ****

I'm in love with my best friend. I love him with all my heart. I'm just so scared to tell him. I love his curly hair, sweet soft emerald eyes, those soft pink kissable lips. I love him. uhh.

**** back to reality ****

Him - Nikki are you okay?

Me - Yea, I'm fine let's get packing.

Him - We don't leave until Monday.

Me - Well I want to get a head start lazy!

Him - Let's just stay out here.

How does hiz lazy ass not get fat?

Me- Fine.

I sigh, and sit back down, laying my head on his shoulder. He laughs, and I can feel his chest vibrating.

It feels good being here, with him. But that's because I love him so much:D

Oh I forgot to tell you a little about myself. I'm five feet. I know im short. I have long light brown hair that's kinda curly. umm hazel green eyes, pink lips. I'm a very girly person but if you mess with me I will mess you up. umm I go to a performing arts school. The girls at school always ask me if related to Zayn Malik weird right haha.

Well, that's me. Nikki Malik.

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