Chapter 9: Nikki/ Angie

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A/N Sorry I didn't post this. Iv'e been really caught up with hwk and my other stories! But here's the next chappy that Natalie worte, and I edited! Hope you like it!

Quote of the day:

"And he's like'But I still looove you, and montse's like 'WTF he probably didn't even SAY that! you LIAR haha And Taylor's like 'we are never ever getting bak together, like EVER' and montse's like Well of COURSE not he doesn't even LIKE you DUH!" -Montse/Taylor Swift

that's just a conversation between me and a song...

"NOT WEIRD AT ALL!"-sarcastically speaking..

I don't like that quote for the day.. hmm...

"If you don't like something keep it to yourself! Keep all your bisquits to yourself and don't go around insulting people!"-Haha i like that one.

well I love you all, and so does Natalie! Comment below on anything you want, I don't mind cuz like I'm not normal and chiz.


Nikki's POV

So Harry and I have been dating for a month now. It's been great!

He's so sweet and kind. But he's especially gorgeous. I mean just look at him! Th ething is..we haven't really got into telling Zayn about us. As if it isn't obvious, but he's pretty love blind with Perrie in the situation..

Me - Harry are you in Angie's and I's room?

I ask as I walk around the hallway, bursting my head in through every door looking for my curly haired boy. I finally hear his voice come in through the door to my room. Well.. it's Angie's too since like we're twins and I didn't want to be separate.

Harry- yea love

I walk into my room and he had his shirt off mmm that turned me on quick. Not that I'm that type of girl, I'm not a slut..but I've holding it in for the past month and it's been driving me quite mad. But he's just so gorgeous, and his body..

Harry - babe I see you staring..

I shrugged and came up to him, pulling him towards me.

Me - yea, so, I'm your girlfriend, and I like wat I see ;D

I say pulling him in closer .

Harry - take a picture it will last longer .

He said looking mishieviously down at me.

Me - I just want you now.

I said finally getting it out.

Harry - Oh..If that's what you want..then come and get it ;D

He lifted me onto the bed and placed me on top of him.

Harry helps me take off my shirt and I get even closer to him, pressing my body against his.

Harry - you really want me?

Me -Mhmm..Well when you've seen your boyfriend shirtless millions of times for the past month, but couldn't do anything because of your big brother, the tension sort of builds up.

I said shrugging, then kiss him passionately. He puts his hands on my waist as we straddled into each other's hips. We start to have a make out session. I just loved his lips on mine.

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