Chapter 1: Angie

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A/N Okay this is in the point of view of Angie, she's one of the twins. She lives in Ireland, with her fake family of four. Each chapter of Angie will be written by me, (BatmanLover29) and each Nikki chapter will be written by natalielovesliam23 kay? Hope you like it! Love you all!



***************Flash back*******************

"Niall! You sore looser! Just because your loosing, doesn't mean you can go inside every minute! I still want to play football!(soccer)"-Me

"But I'm HUNGRY!"-Niall

"That's what you said last time! which was like..I don't know FIVE MINUTES AGO!"-I shout at Niall, who went inside after loosing five times. He's just mad because a girl can beat him everytime..

"SO! You know me! I'm always hungry! UGH just let me be.GOSH Just beacuse you're on a diet!"-Niall..seriously..

"Ugh Niall, shut your face"-I say as I walk inside. My house is practically Niall's second home. He's always here..I mean always!

"Remind me again, why are you here?"-I ask stepping inside the neat kitchen, and watching Niall happily eat a sandwhich. GOSH that boy ate alot..Well I can't complain..I'm not exactly a picky eater. Which is why I'm on a diet. Eating too much goes straight to my theighs. Lucky duckling Niall..ugh he eats and eats and EATS! Where does the food GO? Wait..don't answer that.

"Um.. Two reasons.. 1) I wusv hungry, and there's nomph food at mfhy house. 2) We wneed to taolsk."-Niall says with a mouthful. He always does this ..JUST to tease me.Ugh. Turd.

"Okay #1) Stop talking with you're mouth full, or I'll make you swallow it," - Is say threatingnly,"and #2) about what?"-I ask curiously. he never says he's gonna tell me something..He could careless what it is, he'll just blurt it out! So this must be important.

"Okay I'm listening.."

"Look can we go outside? It's important."-he says, suspiciously...

So we head outside, Niall walking nervously behind me, and practically breathing on me. Something's up. He's upset.

We sit down at the hammock in the back porch. He's shaking..

"Niall spill it out. What's wrong?You're shaking."

"Look it's hard to tell you already, because it's serious. Don't rush me!"-Niall says looking down to the floor as the hammock swings back and forth to the rythm of the silence.

"Niall!!! You're friken killing me here!Tell mee pleeeaaasssee!"-practically begging him to tell me now..I'm not liking this one bit!

He looked at me with his blue eyes, and frustratedly ran his hand through his hair.

"Oi, look! I didn't want to say it, but here it is! I'll say it if you want to hear it so badly! I'm leaving for London next week. I'm auditioning for The X Factor, and I won't be coming back soon... If I make it to the finalists, I'll be gone for a while, and if I don't..I'll still be gone pretty long. A couple of months maybe."-Niall shouted at me. He never shouted.. at all..

"But Niall..what about football practice? And school?!"-Niall's leaving me..for a long time..

"The thing is Angie..I want to follow my dream..You've always said I should follow my heart. And I am! How could you want to ruin this for me right now! I can't believe you! I thought you would understand! My Best Friend of all people. You stand between my future! Who would've thought?"-His glare tore my insides apart, and my heart practically pounded out of my chest. The tears started flowing down my eyes, and I couldn't help but notice that Niall's eyes had turned slight red. He was going to cry too.

"Niall! I never said I didn't want you to go. I understand this is a great opportunity for you! I really do! And please don't shout at me! I don't like shouting and you know that!"- Knowing that he would comfort me, I layed my head down on my knees, hiding my tears. Just like I thought he would, he rubbed my back, and apologized.

"I'm sorry love, I-I'm so sorry. I just didn't know how to tell you. This is something really important..It could determine my entire future..Will you support me with this? Maybe you can come with me? I -I really don't want to leave you here."-He looked at me with a new expression, I've never seen him like this. His eyes were a dark blue, and his lip was twitching. I turned to face the trees, and the singing birds, who now grew quiet. Small tears escaped his eyes, as I looked at him again, he wiped them away, making them feel unwanted.

"I-I'll go. I don't know how this will affect my studies..But if you-you want this that badly, I'll go."-Niall's eyes sparkled a brilliant sky blue,as his lips grinned from ear to ear.

"Really? You really want to come?"-Niall said suddenly lighting up.

"Of course! I don't want to stay here in Mullingar all alone without my Niall, while he's out there making it big!"-I said hugging him tightly.

"You don't know if I'll make it.."- his gaze suddenly took a sad turn and he looked at the ground.

"I 'm positive you'll make it!"-Me

"Aww Angie thx. And maybe we'll even get you that modeling gig you wanted."-Niall says smirking at me, while he pushed us along the hammock.

"How did you-"

" Aye, mate, I know you, you can't hide anything from your best friend"-Niall says grinning innocently at me.

"Alright then! TO THE X FACTOR WE GO!"-I say excitedly.

"TO THE X FACTOR WE GO!!- but not until next week babe."-He says with a sarcastic look on him. I sit back down.

"I know..But I still wanted to say that."-Me

"Whatever you say...."

" UGH you turd."- I say punching him. An "OW" was heard, and I walked away. But I turned back to the injured Niall laying on the Hammock.

"Common Nialler. We have to tell everyone the news!"-I say.

"Do I get to finish my uneaten sandwhich on that lays lonely on the kitchen table?"-Niall asks.

"Ugh yes..come along hungry child."


I swear that boy would eat the whole house if I let him..


I'm You may have noticed.. And trutfully I confess my love for Niall Horan..As well as all the directioners in the world..

Well there's a difference between me, and all the rest of the directioners in the world- I don't know if I should tell him how I feel.

I know that all of the rest of the world...would be dying to be in my position.. they would tell Niall how much they love him and such..but I don't want to..

My friendship with him is alot more important than my love for him. My love will never come out in the open..but our friendship is the world to me, and it's the only thing I have now. I left my family in Mullingar to come out here, London..and I am finally gonna make something of my life. I'm going to be a model..and meet One wish me luck!

I don't know why..

But some little girl outside just asked me if I was related to Zayn..


FYI I'm five feet tall, yes I'm short..don't judge..and I have long dark hair, that's wavy. Niall always said it reminds him of chocolate..That boy..My eyes are a shade of green, mixed with brown here and there..and like everyone else I'm in love with Niall Horan.

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