Chapter 16

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The next day

When I woke up in the morning all the boys were already up, in their suits, eating breakfast.

"Hey guys!" I said peppily.

"Mornin' love." Paul said, kissing me on the lips.

"Why are you guys dressed?" I asked, snatching a piece of toast from John's plate and putting peanut butter on it.

"We have to record some today." Ringo said.

"Ah." I said, taking a bite of the toast that John still hasn't noticed is not on his plate anymore.

"What album are you recording for?" I asked with my mouth full.

"We're recording for Beatles for sale." John said, looking right at me.

I snorted at how he was staring at me but he didn't notice that I was eating his toast.

"Oh Lads! We have to run!" Paul exclaimed after glancing at his wrist watch.

They all stood up and quickly put their dishes in the dishwasher and ran out. Paul stayed behind for a few seconds to give me a lingering kiss.

"Love you Tiff." Paul said.

"Love you Paul." I replied.

He ran out the door and shut it behind him.

I walked over to the couch and plopped down on it. Just me and my thoughts, all alone. That could be good and it could be bad.

Sometimes my thoughts will wander off to good things like, my life has gotten so much better! I have a loving boyfriend and the three best friends I could ask for. Though I've had hardships like Rachel and my mother, my life has improved so much!

My thoughts also wander off to stuff like, my life was so bad. Like when Rachel shot me, and tied up Paul. He was injured because of me. Or the time that my mom used a knife and slashed my stomach. I still have the scars and they're never going away... And that time where my mom kidnapped all the guys and took us all to a back alley and tried to kill is all... That was the day when I figured out I was adopted...

Suddenly a light bulb went off in my head and I took a sharp breath.

I was adopted.

That mean that beastly woman wasn't actually my mother!

I sat up from the couch and started skipping around the house, squealing at random times.


9:34 PM

"Tiff! We're back!" Paul's voice shouted. I sprinted out of my room to hug him. And I hugged all the other boys.

"Why are you so happy?" John asked.

"Remember that time when my mother took us to that alley at tried to kill us? Well, my brother told me I was adopted that day! So my mom isn't actually my mom!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Tiff that's great!" Paul exclaimed and we all had a group hug.

"To add to the great news, we got you something!" Ringo exclaimed. I backed up as he walked over to the sofa where there was a shopping bag on the middle cushion.

He opened the bag and handed me the three boxes that were inside it. I took them in my hand and looked at them.

Purple hair dye

Blue hair dye

Magenta hair dye

"We wanted to keep you safe. So if one of your mom's friends were to see you, they wouldn't recognize you because your hair color is more rainbowfied then it was!" Paul said, and I giggled at his use of the word 'rainbiwfied'.

He's just too adorable.

"Awe! Thanks guys!" I said and enveloped them in another group hug.

"Now go try one of the colors!" John said, gently pushing my back towards he bathroom and closing the door behind me.

Now, I know that they said one of the colors, but I planned on using all the colors.

I opened the box of purple hair dye and applied it to the top of my head. I made the purple fade into the pale blue, but only a small portion of the hair would be that color. I then faded the blue into the magenta dye and made the rest of my long hair that color.

I sat on the floor of the bathroom for 10 minutes and let the colors set in. When the 10 minutes were up, I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

All the excess dye ran down the drain and I stared at it as it made the shower purple.

After all the dye was out of my hair, I stepped out of the shower and looked in the mirror.

"Woah..." I mumbled. Each color perfectly faded into the next. It looked like it was professionally done, yet I had just done it for the first time ever.

I dried off my body and my hair with a towel and then dried my hair thoroughly with the blow drier. I put the blue t-shirt and black joggers that I was wearing back on and stepped out of the bathroom...


Picture of Tiffany is on top!

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