Chapter 5

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Tiffany's POV

We ran until George dropped to the ground and started coughing up blood.

"George, don't die." I said, while awkwardly rubbing my butt, which hit the ground when George dropped me.

"I'm good now." He said after he stopped coughing. He wiped the blood off his chin and I smiled.

"Hey look! Its the exit!" Ringo exclaimed, pointing to where the trees end.

"And I see the school that George placed Rachel against!" Paul exclaimed while jumping up and down like a little kid, making me laugh.

"How did we go in a circle?" I asked.

"No idea. But be glad we did." Paul shrugged.

Paul picked me up, giving George a break, and walked out of the woods.

He walked us calmly to the house.

When I saw the familiar grey siding, I smiled.

"Home sweet home." I whispered. We walked inside and took in our lovely scenery.

We all decided together that we should get some snacks, as we hadn't eaten since the party last night.

I got to the kitchen and ripped open the fridge. I grabbed 3 cheese sticks and a glass of water.

I placed my butt on the cushiony chair and took a bite of my cheese, which tasted heavenly.

The guys all grabbed food similar to mine and they all sat down wordlessly, savoring their food just like me.

"Let's play truth or dare." John said once we had all finished our snacks.

"We should all just sleep, honestly. It's been a long day." George suggested.

"It will get our minds off what just happened though!" Ringo exclaimed.

"I'm not sure." George started.

"Why? Are you chicken?" I smirked, making chicken noises at George. All the other shortly joined in and Paul sighed.

"Okay! We can play!" Paul gave in. We all cheered and jumped up from our seats, running to the living room.

We all sat in a circle on the ground. I was squished in between Paul and George.

"Tiffy, truth or dare?" John asked.

"Dare?" I said, though it came out as more of a question.

Paul looked over to him and gave him a pleading look, and John simply nodded.

"I dare you to kiss Paul for at least five seconds." John smirked.

"Okay." I whispered bashfully, trying not to smile.

I looked to my right, where Paul was sitting, and slowly leaned in.

Once our lips locked, it was just three words that kept repeating in my head.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

I knew those words were the truth, and nothing could tell me otherwise.

"Uh, guys?" I jumped away, and looked at John, who was looking at us suggestivly. George and Ringo were both wiggling their eyebrows at us.

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