Chapter 12

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"Please don't do this!" I pleaded. But it was no use. Zoey had already thrown a punch to my face.

I had been held captive for roughly two weeks, and I had slim to no hope that I would ever wake up from this nightmare.

Paul's POV

I sat in the police office, just as I did every day.

For the past two weeks, I have walked through the streets in search of Tiffany. I then went to the police station to ask if they found Tiff. They would say no, then I would leave to sleep on the streets.

But today was different.

"We have tracked the phone that is at the warehouse they are located. We know where Tiffany is." A dark skinned police officer said.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Let's go save her! She could be dying right now for all we know!"

We ran out into the police cars and drove to the warehouse where Tiff was being held.

Before we even stopped moving, I jumped out of the car as started running towards the building.

A loud, ear splitting scream sounded from inside the house. So loud, I had to stop running and cover my ears.

I recognized it as Tiffany's scream, so after I recovered myself I sprinted into the death trap.

I busted down the door and ran around searching for a way to get downstairs, because I knew that people usually hid bodies in the basement.

When I finally found a hatch in the floor, I opened it and quietly slid down the railing of the staircase.

When I reached the bottom, I saw a woman beating a sobbing Tiffany. I felt my blood boil with rage.

I snuck up behind the dirty blonde haired lady and pulled her away from Tiffany by her hair.

"How dare you do this to an innocent and beautiful girl like her! It's people like you that make this world sickening!" I hissed.

I then dragged her upstairs to the police officers, just to find that they had another girl in handcuffs.

"We've got Amelia." The cops said.

"So you've got Zoey." Another said.

"Take her." I said while shoving Zoey to a random cop.

I ran back down the stairs to the basement to see an unconscious Tiffany, lying in the middle of the floor.

I examined her for a minute since I hadn't taken the time to do that before.

She had blood all over her body, but they didn't cover all the terrible bruises and gashes. Her clothes were bloody and torn, and her hair was knotted extremely badly. There was a huge lump on her forehead which was oozing down her face and covering up the tear tracks on her cheeks.

I gently picked her up bridal style and took her upstairs to the cops.

"Help her!" I cried. Paramedics came into the house from out of nowhere and placed her on a gurney.

I just saw my love for the first time in two weeks, and she was taken away before I could even give her a kiss.


Tiffany's POV

She held the knife tightly to my neck.

"If no one saves you now, you're dead." She whispered.

So I did the first thing I could think of.

I bit her.

I bit her wrist until I drew blood, spitting out the metallic liquid when she pulled her hand away.

"Ow!" She cried, dropping the knife. She moaned before walking away.

I woke up shaking with fear.

"Paul?" I whispered once I saw him sitting in the corner of the room. He looked up with glassy eyes and smiled the biggest smile ever.

It almost made me cry, seeing him smile for the first time in weeks. I had seen his smile in my mind, but actually seeing his sparkling teeth and beautiful chubby cheeks just feet from me made me so overwhelmingly happy.

"Hi." He whispered as he slowly sat up from the metal chair.

"Hi." I replied, a huge smile spreading across my face as his got closer.

Soon enough, his lips were on mine for the first time in ages. I missed the feeling terribly.

"I missed you." He said as he pulled away.

"You too. But your breath smells like rancid eggs and I can't focus of your beauty or how much I missed you." I chuckled.

Upon realizing his breath I also noticed the mud covering his clothes and matting his hair.

"Why do you look like that?" I asked, patting some dirt off his sleeves.

"Well, you see, right when you were kidnapped I left the house and I haven't gone back since..." Paul replied slowly.

"You idiot." I mumbled, making him laugh.

"Where are the other guys?" I asked.

"I should probably call them to get them to come here." He thought out loud. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

He stood up and quickly walked over to the door.

"I'll be back again. I love you so! I'm the one who wants you!" He burst into song right before leaving.

He's such an idiot. I thought to myself.

But he's my idiot.


Half an hour later, Paul had called the boys and they were gathered around my hospital bed.

When they first came into my room, their reaction was the absolute sweetest thing.

John was he first one in the room, and he immediately tackled Paul into a huge hug. He then ran over to me and hugged me gently, being careful of my wounds.

The other boys had the same reactions, but there was something about John being Paul's absolute best friend that made his reaction that much more sweet.

"We have been so worried about you guys!" Ringo exclaimed.

"Heh, sorry." Paul said with a sleepy smile.

"So, are you both okay?" John asked. Me and Paul nodded.

"Well, I could use a shower." Paul said, making us all crack up.

I guess everything is funny after not seeing each other for two weeks.

And it felt nice.

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