Chapter 15

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We walked back to the house, since we didn't take a car to the TV station, and we were still being bombarded with fans.

At this point, we were trying to lose them.

Me and Paul were speed walking, trying to lose the fans, but not look too mean.

Out of nowhere Paul quickly yanked my right arm in an attempt to move me... Or something like that.

Before I was able to ask him why he did that, I was drenched. And I mean drenched.

My left hand was wet, which pissed me off because that was the hand with my cast on it.

I slowly turned around for dramatic effect, just to see a girl with a huge smirk on her face and a bucket in her hand, equally as large.

"Why did you do that?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

"Stay away from our man!" The girl cried.

Four other girls stood next to her and crossed their arms like bodyguards.

"Paul!" I cried desperately.

He was no where to be found.

One of the the girl's 'bodyguards' pulled at my hair and another one threw me to the ground, making me skid my knees.

A pair of hard hands grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to my feet. Before I regained my footing, I was grabbed by the back of my neck by the original girl and thrown back to the ground.

There was a ringing in my ears that was so loud, that I couldn't hear anything else that was going on. I sat in a fetal position and rocked back and forth, trying to regain my hearing.

Then, different, soft, warm hands picked me up again. I still couldn't hear anything until the girl and her goons started fangirl screaming.

I internally screamed when I could hear again.

"... And if you ever do this to Tiffany again, so help me, I will-" The man talking was cut off by another man pulling him away, with my shoulder still in his hand.

Therefore, I was pulled away with him.

"So this is Tiffany, huh?" The mystery man asked.

"Uhm, yes. And who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Mal, Mal Evans. I'm the bodyguard and roadie for the Beatles." He said to me. I nodded.

"And who are you?" I asked to the man who pulled us both away from the crowd.

"I'm Neil. Neil Aspinall. I'm the Beatles' road manager."

"Thank you for saving me from there. I could've, and probably would've, been killed out there if you didn't come here." I said gratefully.

Immediately after, a shiver was sent down my spine. I was drenched after all...

"Let's get you back to the car. Oh yeah, we brought a car." Mal said with a goofy smile. I smiled back and followed him to the car.

"Tiffany!" Paul exclaimed once I got there.

"Oh my gosh! I was so worried!" He cried.

"And you totally showed it by running away." I said, scowling at him.

"No no no no. I was told to leave by Neil because he didn't want anything happening to me. I fought him but he yanked me away." He said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Sure." I said sarcastically. Rather then replying, he crashed his lips against mine.

I didn't kiss him back.

"Please..." He whispered against my lips.

"Please kiss me..." He whimpered, resting his forehead on mine.

"It's true!" Neil said from up front.

"I pulled him away. This is actually from him." Neil said, rolling up his sleeve and showing me four little bloody scratches on his arms.

Their fresh.

"Paul scratched me in one swift motion when I tried to pull him away from you. One scratch from each finger." He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"He's scared of you." I whispered to Paul, giggling a little.

"Does that crude comment mean that you forgive me?" Paul asked hopefully. I nodded my head.

He cheered and kissed me again.

And I kissed him back.

Once he pulled away, he asked me, "What did the fans do to you?" I pointed to my knees, which had dried blood all over them.

Paul put his head down and kissed each of my knees.

"I love you Paul."

"I love you Tiffany."



Autocorrect is so annoying... When I wrote "He chuckled nervously" it autocorrected to...

Believe me because I have proof if you want to see it...

"He Huckleberry nervously"

I hate autocorrect! xD


That awkward moment when in the last chapter you say you have plans for the next chapter and you forget them completely...

That's me xD

I thought of the idea for this chapter on the bus and that's when I wrote it, but when I reread the last chapter I was like, "Oh my God! What was my idea? What was the idea that I had for this chapter?"





I'll just use it for the next chappie xD.




I love you all! Have a nice day!

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