Chapter 6

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After a few minutes of crying in the bush, I heard the front door open. I held my breath to stifle my sobs and snuck away.

Paul doesn't want me here.

I made it to the end if the driveway before I heard Paul's distraught voice calling after me.

"Tiff! Wait!" He shouted. That's when I started running. I didn't know where I would go, but I knew I couldn't stay there.

"Please!" He called, his voice loud and shaky.

After I ran about a block, I was slowing down significantly. But Paul still seemed to have steam left, as he was able to grab my wrist and stop me from running any more.

"Tiff, please hear me out." He pleaded.

"No. Why should I listen to you? You don't like me. I'll just leave rather then take more abuse." I said, crying along with him.

"You're right. I don't like you."

My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't believe that he was only just telling me that.

"I love you."

I stopped struggling and looked back into his eyes. He was telling the truth. I smiled through the tear stains on my cheeks.

"I love you too Paul."

Paul kept his hands on my waist and kissed me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed back.

Suddenly, I felt a drop of water hit my head. And another, and another.

It started to downpour. We stopped kissing and started to laugh. Paul grabbed by hand and we walked back to the house.

Our home.

I shivered, finally realizing how cold it was.

"Are you cold?" Paul asked, rushing to take off his jacket.

"Its fine, you don't have to-" I was cut off by him putting the jacket over my shoulders. It was surprisingly warm considering the fact that it was drenched.

We reached the driveway and I smiled, glad to be back.

Paul suddenly picked me up and slung me over his shoulder, running up the driveway. I was laughing so hard that, to this day, I'm still surprised he didn't drop me.

Paul gently set me down in front of the door and he held it open for me. Right as walked in I was deafened by the boys throwing questions and comments at me.

"Where were you?"

"Why would you leave?"

"Paul didn't mean to hit you!"

"Guys! I was just in front of the house the whole time. I left because Paul hit me and I thought he was abusing me. But I'm fully aware now that he doesn't want to hurt me." I stated, answering all their questions.

They all stepped closer to me and gave me a group hug.

"Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Oww!" I cried. They all back up and looked at me, clearly confused.

Paul hit his palm to his face and slowly shook his head.

"Her arm." He mumbled. All the other guys then facepalmed too.

"Whatever, it's fine." I said before they could feel all guilty.

"Let's go out and play in the rain!" I suggested after a moment of silence.

All the guys excitedly threw on hoodies and Paul threw me a warm looking sweatshirt. It was blue and had some sort of purple symbol on it. I threw it on, and it was huge.

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