Chapter 11

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ichigoquake13206 helped come up with the plot for this chapter!

When I woke up after falling asleep in Paul's arms once again, he wasn't with me anymore, but there was a note.


You might want to spend as much time with your little Paulie as much possible... You might not see him again for a long time...


My heart rate immediately sped up and I started crying silently. I curled up in a ball on the bed and sobbed.

I heard the door creak open so I quickly hid the note. I didn't want to worry anyone.

"What's wrong?" Paul exclaimed. I quickly wiped away the tears that covered my cheeks.

"Nothing." I whispered.

Paul looked at me like I had three heads.

"Something is obviously wrong." He said with a concerned voice.

I shook my head and replied, "Just a tad stressed." Paul walked up to me and picked me up bridal style. I sobbed into his chest as he carried me to the living room.

He sat me on the couch next to the lads, where I could feel all of their confused and sympathetic looks as to why I was crying.

"She's stressed." I heard Paul whisper.


I had calmed down quite well and was currently watching the boys play cards.

"John!" I exclaimed once I saw that he pulled a card out of his sleeve. He groaned and put the card at the bottom of the pile.

As the boys contently played cards I heard a creak in the floorboard. The guys seemed oblivious to it so I just ignored it as well.

Suddenly, I heard a loud BANG and felt a throbbing pain in my head.

Another bang.

More pain.




I woke up laying on the ground in a dark room.

"The princess awakens!" A sadistic voice hissed in the distance.

I knew the voice automatically. It belonged to Amelia, one of my mother's fancy friends. I knew because her voice was really high pitched and nasaly.

"What are we gonna do to her?" Another voice said. That voice belonged to Zoey, another one of my mother's fancy friends. I knew because she's from America so she doesn't have an accent.

"Let's just let her torture flow naturally and not plan anything out." Amelia replied.

I heard heels clicking on the ground, becoming more audible by the second until they came to an abrupt stop.

"Hello Tiffany." Zoey said.

"Why am I here? Where is here?" I asked quickly.

"I don't even get a hello?" She smirked. She crouched down to my level and smacked me across the face.

I flinched, but I did not cry.

"Manners!" She shouted in a scolding tone.

"This coming from the girl who kidnapped me." I muttered under my breath. Unfortunately, she heard.

I felt a throbbing pain I'm my nose and I realized that she had punched me.

"You will follow our orders from here on out. You will never call for help, and most importantly, you will never try to hurt us after we hurt you. Got it?" Amelia said, speaking for the first time.

"What if I do hurt you?" I asked without thinking. I knew the second that the words left my lips that I shouldn't have said it.

"Your pretty boys will pay." Zoey whispered, a smirk spreading across her face. I gulped.

"Think of something extremely painful." Amelia said, turning to Zoey..

"Paper cut and lemon juice." Zoey blurted out quickly.

"Let's take that to the next level." Amelia whispered.


I sat on the dusty floor for what felt like hours, but in reality was only about twenty minutes.

The girls came back with a knife in Amelia's hand and a huge bucket of lemon juice in Zoey's hands.

Amelia came to me and sliced the arm that was making so much progress healing and both of my legs.

Then, the juice took its part.

Zoey dumped the entire bucket of lemon juice on me. For about a second I just felt wet, but after that it burned as if I jumped into pit of lava in hades.

Once the girls left after they high fived, I allowed myself to cry and pray that some one would save me.

Paul's POV

When I came to, I had to think hard to remember what happened. Then it hit me.

I heard two loud bangs and looked up to see Tiffany about to pass out.

"Tiffany!" I screamed as I ran towards her.

"Get the help away!" John screamed.

"No you back away!" A masked lady with an American accent shouted. John ran to the lady and grabbed her hair.

Apparently she had used a frying pan to knock out Tiffany, because she used it to knock out John as well.

Me, George, and Ringo all lunged at her but she used the pan to knock all of us out as well. The last thing I saw was her dragging Tiff out of the house.


I looked around to see that the others were still unconscious, so I left a note and ran out the door. I was determined to find her and hold her tight.

Guys, I might not be back for a long time. It's what happens when I fall in love.


~Paul xx

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