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As Brain and I went outside, he handed me a a brown paper bag, tightly rolled up. "Someone was killed." He said tiredly. I looked inside to see a silver stake. I took it out, trying to figure out why it was so important. Then I saw it. The dreaded initials I had seen so many times. Engraved to the spike was three letters. R.O.H. I cringed, knowing what this meant. I held the stake up. It was Rodger. He was after Lyra's pack. I then noticed that the stake had a screw off top, which I removed, and a piece of paper fell out of the hidden compartment. I picked it up and read it aloud. "To the Bloody lotus pack: I will kill you all, so how about you come stop me.

There was a combination of numbers on the end which I recognized to be coordinates. "Is it alright if I try talking to him?" He sighed.

"Your gun is in the car."

I took my gun and walked back inside.

I ran in, grabbed my cloak, and closed the door as I left.

"Can I get a ride a mile out from these coordinates?" I asked as I handed him the piece of paper.


This was all rather rushed, but we had to stop Rodger before he killed anyone else. This was all very odd, the Rodger I knew was discreet. He never challenged anything head on, he was highly elusive. So why had he challenged them to a full out battle? These are all questions I was asking as I waited to reach our destination. As the car stopped, I jumped out and ran to the coordinates. A small cabin was in the distance. When I tried the door, it was unlocked. A piece of paper was on the table. I read it.

"Wow you mutts really are stupid! I tipped off to a band of rouges that your defenses would be lowered today by the way."

I dropped the parchment and ran.


As Brian's car faded out of distance, I left the window.

"What was that about?" My dad asked as I entered the room.

"How the hell should I know?"

He shrugged.

Suddenly we heard one of our back windows shatter. A sour, unkempt smell washed over my nostrils.

"Rouges!" I growled.

"And Brian's too far away to use the mind link."

Suddenly my father started to issue commands over the mind link. 'There are rouges in our territory! Prepare to fight!'

I shifted, expecting them to come from the door that the shattering sound came from. I was wrong. Suddenly the smell came over me, and I turned around, but I was too late. A wolf landed on me, biting and tearing at my flesh. Suddenly the weight disappeared, and I saw that my father had tackled him. As they struggled, I ran over to assist my father. Instead, a massive black wolf charged the rouge, using his head to smash him up, leaving the rouges soft belly exposed. The black wolf tore his stomach apart before he had even touched the ground. I could tell by the scent he was part of our pack, yet I didn't recognize the wolf. He ran off.

'WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!' I asked my father through our mind link.

'I-I think that was.... Sean?'

Well okay he didn't know. Omegas were no where near that size.

We ran out, and the battle was horrendous. The rouges numbered in the tens. 'Fall back to the forest!' My father yelled through the mind link.

'Fighters hold-' I watched in horror as three rouges tackled my father, pinning him to the ground and tearing his throat open. I couldn't help. I was to far away.

'Run.' Was his last command to the pack.

As the pack went into chaos, an angry growl of epic proportions resonated throughout the mind link. The inner turmoil went silent. Listening to the one taking control.

'All pups, elders and sick get to the forest. Fighters, form a defensive line at the cabins to hold them off. NOW!'

As I ran to the cabins, I saw the black wolf again.

I barked a greeting.

'Hey Lyra, mind helping me out here?' He asked. I then recognized the voice as the one that had been issuing the orders. He knew me, so why didn't I know him? I jumped onto a rouge, and it used its hind legs to scratch my underside. I killed him, but I was bleeding heavily. As my vision blurred, I stumbled and fell over. Then I blacked out.


When I woke up, the ground was hard and cold. There were no windows, preventing me from knowing the time of day. I was in a cell. The rouges had caught me.

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