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*(Jacob A.K.A Lyra's father)

As I walked upstairs to ask Claudia what was up, I heard her crying.

'This must be about Venn.' I thought.

"Are you upset about him?"


"He's not bad-"

"My brother was killed by a hunter while I visited my mother."

I was shocked. Her brother was part of our pack. Why had no one told me ?

"Claudia, wait. How did I not know about this?"

"Brian said that no one should know due to the terrible method the hunter used. He was going to tell you tomorrow."

"How was he murdered?"

She vomited.

Whatever had happened, it must have been terrible.

"He had been staked to a tree with silver. Powdered silver had been poured all over him, but just enough so he wouldn't die quickly. He had been there for a long time when we got there, so he was too far into the process to save him. He begged for death, and when we wouldn't do it, he banged his head against the tree until his head split open."


Lulz had to get that out. Thanks guys! More fans= faster updates! Remember that! With love~ Eterne

P.S. Once I reach 100 votes, I will tell you all a little something about myself! And I still need a cover for this story! I was thinking a handgun pointed at a wolfs head.

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