-41- (Part 1)

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Heyyy guys! Frostia the frosthog here \(^o^)/ I'll be writing this story for y'all until Emey is better, enjoy!! Oh and the picture is unnecessary so don't worry about it! It's just so ya know what I look like *^o^*


Solar helped me up and chuckled. "They never told you about me at all, did they?" he asked and I shook my head. "No, but I wouldn't even remember anyway" I said but my guard was still up. He just said I was his sister but how is that possible? Emerald and Sky didn't mention him at all; how do I know I can trust him?

I sighed and decided to take a chance. "If you're my brother" I began and walked closer to him in a possessive way, "then where's my sister?".

Solar didn't even flinch, he just stared down at me. "You expect me to know? I don't know where she is, alright? You happy you got your answer now?" Solar walked away towards the window and began to climb out. He stopped halfway and looked back at me.
"Starry night,
Moon shines bright.
Look deep in your heart
And you'll know what's right"

I watched as he exited through the window and sighed when he was gone. 'Great, another mystery to solve' I got up and dusted myself off, 'I'm really gonna miss this place'. I glanced around at my now empty apartment and sighed once again. Why is everything in life just keep going up and down? First happiness then..... then this; just why? As I sat down on the lifeless coach and stared at a wall that used to be filled with pictures of me and my memories, Sonic walked in. "Hey" he said softly and sat next to me while putting an arm around my shoulder to comfort me, "You alright?"

I looked at him, dead in the face, with an emotionless face; I didn't know how to look or how to act even. I felt useless and dead inside. "......Why?" I whispered to Sonic who only pulled me into a hug. "It's alright, just let it out if you need to" he whispered into my ear and held me gently. I shook my head against his shoulder. "I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of running away" I said in a soft whisper still as a tear slowly glided down my cheek. "I'M TIRED OF BEING HOPEFUL!!" I yelled in frustration, making everyone alert. "(Y/N)..." Sky said as the others ran up with him. I didn't want comfort, I didn't want anything to do anything. To lose someone.... to never be able to hold them anymore.... it's like a wound that wouldn't heal. The part that hurts the most is I've lost that person many times and got her back safely; but now I haven't..... that's what hurts the most.

I ignored as everyone kept trying to comfort me, I don't blame them for trying to cheer me up. I walked towards a window that Solar went through and scanned the slightly deserted streets below. I heard footsteps becoming louder and closer, but I didn't dare look at them. "(Y/N)...." Sky began and placed a hand on my shoulder, "I know you're fed up but.... we gotta accept it, you can't break time by changing the past". I slowly stared at his hand and shook it off. "Emerald brought Nickey here, isn't that breaking time?" I spat at him coldly, "We've been running for what? I'm tired of running, I'm tired of fighting and chaos. I give up, do you fucking hear me?"

"I. GIVE. UP!" I had no more yell left in my as I completely broke down on the window still with Sky supporting me. He pulled me into his chest and stroked my head softly as my tears rolled down his chest. "And you're giving up because of that?" Sky said, taking me by surprise. I looked up at him, "Huh?"

"You're giving up because of her but we haven't even started to look for her! Get a fucking grip already, (Y/N)!" He yelled at me. "Sky, stop it, please" Amy came over and touched his arm which he shook off. I stayed standing there with shock, what is happening? I felt power pumping through my veins like a battery powering a circuit instantly. "Are you still going to be that crybaby" Sky got up in my face. "Sky, back off" Sonic growled but Sky ignored him. "Or, are you going to be a warrior for once? I'm sick of watching my sister feel helpless, we're doing something or you'll keep feeling like this. Now are you (Y/N) or a fucking shitty coward?"

My mind felt like a new gate had just opened, all my hidden power was fully functional and I could hear everything whisper to me in an invisible wind. I blocked out all the voices and focused on one particular voice: Help me..... It hurts so much....

I gasped and looked back at Sky who was still waiting for me to answer. "I am..." my voice sounded different; not bad different, bad-ass different! "I am (Y/N) the (f/a), the world's largest power source of the chaos emerald's powers and, the 4th remaining member of the Lisaquada family" I stood tall and Sky smiled at me while everyone looked confused. "(Y/N)?" Sonic walked towards me and I took his hand with a warm squeeze. "I'm not afraid of being afraid anymore" I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Sky?" Nickey asked the brown hedgehog, "What ze fuck did you do? Like how?". Sky smiled at her, "Our personalities aren't always fully awake. If someone keeps it locked away then you need to force it off the chains".

Shadow sighed and shook his head, "Yeah, you helped her but it hasn't solved our problem. We still need to find Emerald".

Don't bother.... I'm a monster now....

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