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"Run away"
That's all my mind told me to do, but from what? I never could get an answer to my question it was always just "Run away". Is there something or someone after me? What if it's Eggman and Lara? What if its Mephiles? No calm yourself, (Y/N). There's no way that would happen, Sonic's here to protect me; So are Emerald and Sky.

I went downstairs and saw everyone in the living room. To my left there stood Rouge next to Knuckles while holding his arm, Amy was comforting Sky who looked depressed. Whats going on here? To my right Shadow was arguing with Tails and Sonic about something. "What's going on?" I asked as I walked over to them.

Sonic looked at me with the most saddest face I've ever saw. "Why don't you tell her, Faker, tell her what you've done" Shadow growled and pushed past me roughly. "Eggman attacked us earlier a-and Emerald wanted to help b-but we told her no" Tails said and patted Sonic's shoulder, "B-but she ran right in front of us and got s-shot by a r-robot and now she's in..."

I covered my mouth with my hands, tears threatening to pour out soon. My own sister, why does she act so stubborn sometimes? A flash back appeared in my mind, I was only just born but yet it felt easier to remember; "Emerald, you have to stay here" Sky said and tried to close the door on her but she got her foot to jam the door before it closed. "But I want to see the forest again!" She whined.

The flash back ended and soon I looked down at my feet. Emerald was always wanting to be apart of something from the very beginning but now this has happened. Is she still going to be the same sister I thought I always knew? "Listen, (Y/N), I'm sorry" Sonic sighed, "And I know sorry isn't going to fix this. I understand if you're mad but I'm sorry I couldn't stop her"

As he began to walk away I grabbed his hand without thinking and pulled him into a hug. "Mistakes happen, right? We just have to be hopeful" I whispered and then proceeded to enter the room where Emerald rested. It was the same hospital room I was in when I first fainted on my second day here except Emerald and all the machines keeping her alive stood out and made it less comforting. I had no idea what the machines were doing to her except help her heal, but after noticing the blue emerald Sky have energy to I'm starting to get nervous.

I sighed, "Emerald, I'm not giving up on you. You.... You were the closest thing I ever had including Sky. You showed me everything, you have me hope. Now I'm staying and never leaving because I've never left to begin with".

Two days have passed and Emerald still hasn't woken up. Sky had been bitter to everyone except me, he'll just burst into tears around me. And me, well I've tried to stay positive but that doesn't seem to be working well. My nightmares are getting worse and I'm losing sleep slowly, Sky hasn't been eating, everyone was doing terribly without Emerald; But Shadow was the one who was suffering the most.

While we all walked in misery to help clear our minds Eggman have us a visit. As the gang fought with him I stayed behind and kept or of trouble in any way I could. "Shit!" I screamed as a piece of metal landed on my leg when I fell over, "Shit, no! No!"

I tried lifting the piece of junk off my leg but it didn't lift an inch of the ground. As I thought I was done for a hand punched the metal off my leg and pulled me behind cover. "You alright?" That voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger down on who it was. I nodded and examined the stranger; it was to smokey and dark to properly see but by glancing at their eyes I soon remembered who it was. Those earthy emerald green eyes, so warm but so dark. "Emerald!" I said and pulled her close for a hug.

She hugged back with all get might, "Hey sister". "I've missed you so much" I whispered and she smiled at me. "It's thanks to your hope in me, that's what kept me going, yours and Sky's hopeful thoughts" Emerald wiped my rolling tear away.

Another explosion occurred near us and Emerald knocked me down to the ground into another nearby cover. "Okay stay here don't move, I'll be back for you" Emerald said as she squeezed my hands, "I promise". And with that she ran out into the smoke and the fires. "... Please do" I whispered and stayed put like she said.

"If we fight for too long we change"
I wondered how they changed if they did fight for too long, did they turn into supernatural creatures you only read in books or do they shape shift into something else? As I thought the words became clearer, Emerald didn't seem like the type to abandon me when a fight is going on, did being shot at do something to her? What if it was the machines? The next thing I saw was Sonic lifting me up and carrying me in bridal style. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help, (Y/N)" he said and looked away. I smiled and Sonic noticed, "Hey you're smiling again"

"I saw her.." Was all I said before I fell asleep in goods arms from exhaustion. Emerald will come back, she promised me she would. Now the song in my head makes more sense, being hopeful is who I am not what I'm made of. I hope for everything, not just me, everyone in who is alive or booth alive and dead.

"Cause I'm hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today. Take this music and use it, let it take you away. And be hopeful, hopeful. And he'll make a way. I know it ain't easy bit that's okay, just be hopeful".

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