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"So where do you want to start?" Sonic said as he clapped his hands together and looked towards me. I put a finger on my lip and thought, now that the excitement is over I haven't actually thought on the topics we could've discussed!

"Uh...." I tried to think of a good topic about the chaos emerald but nothing came up. As I was thinking a voice whispered in my head like it was someone whispering right in my ear, ...Power was all it said. "How about it's power?" I suggested and soon we talked right away about it's power.

Suddenly Sonic's stomach growled and I giggled a little at him, making him blush a little before returning to normal. "Do you want to grab a snack?" I asked politely and he straight answered with a nod and a "Ye-up!".

We stopped by the shopping centre's cafés and Sonic ordered about... 3 chilli dogs, I think? As he scoffed his face with them I took the time to think more about the chaos emeralds and that strange voice; Just what the hell was that, some kind of weirdo in my head? I shook my head at myself which drew Sonic's attention and he looked at me confusedly. "You okay?" He said after he swallowed his last chili dog.

I waved it off and smiled, "No I'm alright; it's just a lot to talk about and, you know, it's kind of hard to decide which topic to discuss". Sonic made a "o" shape with his mouth and smiled back. "Yeah, I can understand that. How about we investigate them?" Sonic asked and.... w-winked at me?! I think my cheeks went a little pink there because I could definitely feel the heat rush to them immediately. "O-okay" I said and almost cursed at myself for stuttering at the well known hero.

Oh I think I forgot to mention that earlier, since Sonic is the 'hero of Mobius'; every single person, man or woman, would stare and sometimes girls would come over and interrupt our conversations on the chaos emeralds on purpose. It was starting to get on my nerves but my heart kept feeling hurt every time a girl tried flirting with him. Why am I acting like this, you say? I have no idea, I mean I just met the hero!

Be prepared for your journey ahead

There it was again, that voice! I tried ignoring it but it blocked out everything so I could only hear it.

I know you're ignoring me on purpose, I'm not stupid.

'Pfft, yeah right' I said in my head. Me and Sonic walked through the crowded hallways of the shopping centre to try and find the exit; while we were doing that, the voice was talking to me shopping the way.

I can tell you're really confused about multiple things like why the hell is there someone in my mind? But trust me, (Y/N), you'll find out eventually. Besides even the truth hurts the most

What did it mean by "Even the truth hurts the most"? Is there something it's not telling me, why should I care anyway? I got a hero and a report to do so I'll focus on that later.

After about 15 minutes we reached a small little cabin in the woods. It looked really comfortable and there was a workshop beside it to the left of the cabin. "Wow" I was lost for words as I stared at how peaceful it was down here in awe. "Like it?" Sonic said and I replied with a nod, "Cool, besides I need to introduce you to some of my friends before we get started"

"Okay!" I said, surprising myself at how excited I was. We walked over to the workshop first and I saw a plane inside. Maybe that's how they get around town? Sonic noticed me staring and explained, "Oh that? That's the X Tornado, my pal Tails uses it a lot more than any of us but you can't blame him. Speaking of Tails.."

"Hi, Sonic!" A fox with two tails popped out from the driver seat and gave us both a cute smile, "Oh who's this?"

He pointed at me and I introduced myself instead of Sonic so I wouldn't have to make him do all the talking. "Oh hi! You must be Tails; I'm reporter of the Mobius newspaper, (Y/N)" I raised my hand to shake it and Tails gladly accepted and shook. "Hi (Y/N)! He said and got a wrench to continue his work.

"We'll leave you to do your work, okay pal?" Sonic said as he ruffled up Tails hair. I smiled at the sight, they really must be like brothers to each other. When we left the workshop and went inside the cabin, Sonic was attacked by a pink hedgehog hugging him. A shot of anger infected my brain and I wanted to punch her, why am I acting like this?

I calmed my nerves and kept a straight face as I watched Sonic pry her off him. "Hey Amy?" Sonic said with a hint of nervousness in his voice. "Hi Sonic!" She replied and soon noticed I was standing there and dropped her excited smile, "Who's your friend?"

"Hi, I'm (Y/N), reporter of the Mobius newspaper" I said and smiled at her while sticking my hand out for her to shake. She was hesitating but she shook back, "I'm Amy, Amy Rose. What brings a reporter like you here?"
"Actually Sonic and I were going to discuss about the chaos emeralds, you can join if you want" I said, trying to be polite but received a glare instead. "I'm not interested" she said and with that she walked off.

Pfft, what a bitch

The voice in my head said and I could hear it was angry too. 'I know right, talk about drama queen' I laughed in my head and the voice joined in.

Well its good to see you're getting used to me in your head
'Trust me, it wasn't an easy walk in the park'

"Uh, sorry about that, (Y/N). Amy tends to get jealous whenever I bring someone new over" Sonic said, scratching behind his ear and waited for me to give out to him. I sighed, "It's alright Sonic" Sonic looked up with a surprised look, "Besides I'm used to it since my boss is just like her as well"

We both laughed a little and continued walking towards the living room where we saw a rabbit and a chao playing tea party with some teddy bears. "Oh hello, Mister Sonic and Miss...?" It began and looked over to me and waited for me to introduce myself. "You can call me (Y/N), please" I smiled at the rabbit and the chao.

"Oh okay, my name is Cream and this is Cheese" she raised her chao up a bit for me to see him completely. It "Chao"d in joy and I giggled slightly. "Well its very nice to meet you both" I said and shook their hands. Suddenly the door busted down and a grumpy looking black hedgehog came through. "Shadow! Ever thought of using the door knob?" Sonic gave out to -who I think the black hedgehog was- Shadow.

He gave a simple "hmph" before sitting down on the coach and turning on the TV. Sonic sighed and face palmed, I could understand that feeling too when I used to babysit before I became a reporter. "Shadow, this is (Y/N), reporter of the Mobius newspaper. Please be nice to her" Sonic said and was about to walk away with me when we got stopped by Shadow.

"Sorry Faker but I take orders from no one and since when have I become a 5 year old?" He snapped and turned his head back to the TV. Sonic shrugged and we walked off into the kitchen, I swear I heard Shadow mumble a "hi" before we left the room.

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