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"If we fight for more than 5 hours or so well..... weird things happen" Emerald said as she stared at her plate that was now empty. "Weird things?" I asked as I turned the kettle on to heat up the water for some coffee. Emerald bit her lip and then spoke, "Well it doesn't happen to me since I don't know how to fight but Sky does and.... Let's just say if he fights for too long than he can.... change"

"Into what?" I sounded like I was that annoying child that asks way too many questions. Sky shrugged and Emerald sighed, "I-I don't actually know how to explain it but he changes"

I nodded, guess the only way to find out is to see it but I don't think I want to. As I poured myself a cup of coffee there was a knock on the door. "Who's that?" I asked and Emerald rolled her eyes. "Maybe if you answer the door you'll know" she said and grabbed an apple. I walked over and opened the door, did she seriously think I would let her in?

"Oh hey (Y/N)!" Lara said as she tried to get in but I stood in her way, "Why can't I come in? Oo are you hiding something from me?"

"I could ask the same thing" I said being dead serious. I took out the GPS device that was now crushed and showed Lara, "Why, just why? I trusted you and then I find out this"

"(Y/N), I can explain-"
"No, you can go and-and die in a hole for all I care!" I screamed in her face and slammed the door. If anyone betrays my trust than they can go away and I won't care what will happen to them even if it was death I wouldn't be crying. I learned that a long time but I can't believe I was so easily fooled. I rested against the door trying to hold back the tears. "Hey" Emerald spoke softly and Sky cane over to hug me, "Was that her?"

I nodded and let the tears travel down my cheeks and splatting onto Sky's arm. Emerald's fists clenched, "That daughter of a nobody is going to taste my kind of flavor of pain" Emerald's eyes darkened and she looked mad, more mad than before when she caught Rouge with a stolen gem. She was about to open the door when another knock was heard.

"Who's there? If its you, Lara, then you're going to regret coming back" Emerald threatened and waited with the scariest glare you have ever seen. It was like her eyes shot lasers at the door. ".... Its Shadow, you idiot" the voice from behind the door answered. I sighed and wiped the tears away, Sky helped me up and brushed my hair out of my face. "I'm glad to have you guys as a family" I whispered to him and he smiled softly at me with his icey blue eyes shining.

I looked over to Emerald and it seemed Shadow was already let it, they were both arguing and it was getting really annoying. "Well how was I supposed to know that it was you?!" Emerald screamed and Shadow frowned even deeper. "I thought you were smart enough to know, but I guess you're nothing but a dummy" Shadow shot back.

Emerald gasped, "What did you just call me?". I could already see the lighting bolt shooting out of their fore heads, this isn't going to be good. "Maybe if you were good at hearing you would've known" Shadow replied and soon they were both in a fist fight. There was Emerald trying to punch him but missed and so did Shadow, then it was them throwing stuff at each other.

"Hey, not in my house!" I yelled and they stopped throwing stuff at each other. Now they were hitting each other with pillows very hard. "You take back what you said right now!" Emerald screamed in between breaths. "No I don't think so" Shadow said calmly and they kept going at each other.

"Stop it you two!" I yelled again but they didn't listen, they were too focused on their little fight. I groaned and face palmed, now I've got to clean this mess up when they're done; Ugh, now I wish I had a machine or robot to do that, guess I'll ask Tails for that someday. Emerald gave up and was out of breath, guess it would be better for her to stop since they can't fight for long. Shadow also stopped and soon there was books, tissue boxes, frying pans, pots, towels and even some cotton from the pillows all over the place.

Today really isn't my day, I stared at the place in anger and shock; I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Sonic smiling at me. "What? How did you get in-" I looked behind me were the door was and saw it opened with Tails and Knuckles waving, "Oh, I didn't know it was opened again"

"Sky opened it for us when we heard these two having a cat fight" Sonic said and glared at them both. "Excuse me but I am a cat and he's not!" Emerald growled and pointed at Shadow who glared at her. "At least if I was one I know I'll be able to control my anger better than you" Shadow boasted and walked away.

Emerald turned away and stared at the wall. ".... Just give her some time to breathe, she's not used to having fights with others" Sky said and Shadow grunted. "Well if she isn't used to that than why is she good at making me so..." Shadow thought for a while, "she makes me feel so strange"

With the shake of his head Shadow exited my apartment and waited outside. Another love story has blossomed and it's both of my new siblings! I squeaked inside my mind in joy, this is so cute but now is not the time to be fangirling I got to reassure Emerald. I don't want to leave my new sister down in the dumps right now.

"Emerald, everything is fine now just let it go" I said and she attacked me into a hug as she held me close.

"....Thank you" she whispered

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